Tags all in one

Tags all in one is a widget and a shortcode generator that allows you to present the tag clouds of the selected post types into WordPress. With the help of the widget and shortcode generator, you can easily determine the amount of the displayed items, font size and the display order.

Muki Tag Cloud

Another wordpress tag cloud plugin based on jQCloud plugin, which is creative, beauty and colorful. If has any suggestion of design thought, please visit and leave comments in MUKI space*, who is the authoer about plugin design, front end, and creative; About plugin program discuss, you can visit t.........

Similar: 50%

Configurable Tag Cloud (CTC)

The best new feature in WordPress 2.3 is the integration of tagging into the core of WordPress. However, the tag cloud widget & functions that are included leaves a lot to be desired. So, with time on my hands, I decided to whip up my own version of the tag cloud that lets you configure the tag .........

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Cloudy Tags

There are a variety of tag cloud plugins, many of them just tweaks of the basic WordPress tag cloud code. This plugin is no different. Well, it is different in that it provides one new way to display the tags: cloudily. The usual format is for tags with a smaller post count to have a smaller font.........

Similar: 40%

Ultimate Tag Cloud Widget

This is the highly configurable tag cloud widget, the main features for this plugin is: All, single author or multiple authors per cloud Select which taxonomies or post types to show tags for Rules for which posts to include when fetching tags Inclusion/exclusion functions A bunch of ordering, col.........

Similar: 40%

Technorati Tag Cloud for WordPress 2.3

This plugin allows the user to display a Technorati tag cloud instead of the native tags in WordPress 2.3. It uses WordPress 2.3's native tagging/taxonomy system. The formatting of the output is the same as of the native tag cloud system: wp_techtag_cloud();. Update: The title tag in the links have.........

Similar: 34%

Related Topics Simple Tag List

Related Topics Simple Tag List checks each tag attached to a post and only displays it if at least one other post exists. If exactly one other article has that tag, the tag name then links directly to that post. Otherwise, the tag name will link to the tag archive. Not only are links intelligently .........

Similar: 23%

Tag Groups

This plugin enables you to organize tags (or categories, or custom terms) in groups. The group membership is saved in the native WP table field term_group, so it won't create additional tables in the database. The plugin comes with a configurable tag cloud where tags are displayed in tabs sorted by .........

Similar: 20%

TG Customized Tags

TG Customized Tags plugin provides a fully configurable tag-cloud through widget and shortcodes to display tags, categories or other taxonomy. Once installed, the settings of the TG Customized Tags plugin would be available for being changed from the 'TG Customized Tags' option in the 'Settings' me.........

Similar: 16%

Post Tags and Archives

Tag clouds and Archives are useful for visitors, but also for search engines to find and index what topics your blog relates to. "Post Tags and Archives" makes it easy to add Tag Clouds or Archives to posts and pages via shortcodes. Before, you could only put it in the sidebar or widgets. That could.........

Similar: 15%

SEO Tag Cloud Widget

SEO Tag Cloud Widget displays the tag cloud in a SEO-friendly way, using a search engine optimized html markup. It looks the same as the default WordPress Cloud Tag, but with an optimized html markup. You can put it to your sidemenu....

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