Tags On Page

By : CyberSEO

The Tags On Page plugin (developed by CyberSEO.net) displays a list of tags (tag cloud) on the specified page.

Ultimate Tag Cloud Widget

This is the highly configurable tag cloud widget, the main features for this plugin is: All, single author or multiple authors per cloud Select which taxonomies or post types to show tags for Rules for which posts to include when fetching tags Inclusion/exclusion functions A bunch of ordering, col.........

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Skin Tags

I wanted to make my tag cloud (new with WP 2.3) look more like the one generated by del.icio.us, with a flush margin on both the left and the right. But when I tried to do it, it sucked because the internal spaces in the tags had been replaced by non-breaking space characters. Argh! This plugin, sim.........

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Rounded Tag Cloud

If you are using standard version of WordPress tag cloud widget, you may feel boring or dislike its look-and-feel. This 'rounded tag cloud' widget offers different look-and-feel. Technically it uses the same function with the standard tag cloud widget. It only formats the look of tags so that it has.........

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Tag Cloud Shortcode

The plugin gives users the oportunity to embed a tag cloud for a site within any page. When using the shortcode [tagcloud] when writing in the content of any page, the user includes in the page, a tag cloud for posts on that site. I am working on adding the ability to set options, such as sizes, .........

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Custom Tag Cloud

Customizable widget and shortcode to display tag cloud anywhere you want. You can use it as standard tag cloud widget, as shortcode in any post or page, or both ways. Tons of options allow you to fine tune cloud layout to your needs. STANDARD FEATURES Display list of post, category or link catego.........

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Gradient Tags Tag Cloud Widget

Gradient Tags Tag Cloud Widget gives you a widget with tags where the colors slowly become stronger with the bigger tags. Default it will go from lightgray to black, but you can define your own colors....

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Tilted Tag Cloud Widget

"Tilted Tag Cloud Widget" is a free plugin for WordPress, developed by the Whiletrue.it staff to generate a cloud with the website's most used tags. The words inside the cloud are overlapping and tilted, creating a cluster....

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WP Category Tag Cloud

WP Category Tag Cloud provides a configurable widget displaying a cloud of tags, categories or any other taxonomy. The cloud elements can be displayed in different ways (see screenshots): as a flat list separated by spaces as a UL tag with the wp-tag-cloud class as price tags as rectangular tags .........

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Blibahblubah Tag Cloud

Blibahblubah Tag Cloud is a plugin that allows the blog owner to customize the tag cloud so that any reader mousing over the tag cloud will see the words in the tag cloud flicker with a customizable effect. This is just a fancy bell and whistle to add to your blog. You can adjust the font growth, t.........

Similar: 13%

Super Tags Widget

The Super Tags plugin, is a customizable alternative to the default WordPress® Tag Cloud widget. This widget makes it possible for you to fully customize a Tag Cloud ( or multiple Tag Clouds ) to meet your specific needs. It takes the same options as the wp_tag_cloud() function. You can specify a nu.........

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