Taxonomy Checklist Tree

By : webvitaly

WordPress Pro plugins | Taxonomy-Checklist-Tree | Donate | Github

Compact Taxonomy Checkboxes

This plugin in only required for versions prior to WordPress 3.5 I am no longer continuing to provide support for this plugin. If anyone would like to take over commit access please contact me via the details in my profile. This plugin collapses and reduces the height of hierarchical category.........

Similar: 63%

Taxonomy Tools

Modify or re-map your taxonomy or category structure...

Similar: 58%

Restrict Taxonomies

Based on the Restrict Categories plugin, this plugin allows you to restrict the taxonomies terms that users or roles can use when they publish content....

Similar: 56%

Category Manager

This plugin allows you to add a dashboard widget that manages specific taxonomies (Such as tags and categories or any custom taxonomy). Specifically the dashboard widget makes it easy to remove a post from a taxonomy of any kind. Those who have themes, plugins, widgets that use the wordpress taxono.........

Similar: 46%

Taxonomy Icons

Taxonomy Icons allows you to easily add icons to your taxononomy, category, and tag terms. The plugin automatically integrates the latest version of Font Awesome Icons, allowing you to choose from hundreds of icons to assign to your taxonomy terms....

Similar: 34%

AY Term Meta

Activate the plugin and add some code to your functions.php Basic function : AyTermMeta::addMeta($term, $name, $label, $type = 'input', $description = '', $options = array()) {} Generate all meta management in WordPress Admin Advanced functions : You can use term_meta functions similar to post.........

Similar: 34%

Unique Headers

Features The Unique Headers Plugin adds a custom header image box to the post/page edit screen. You can use this to upload a unique header image for that post, or use another image from your WordPress media library. When you view that page on the front-end of your site, the default header image for.........

Similar: 19%

Enhanced Media Library

This plugin will be handy for those who need to manage a lot of media files....

Similar: 16%


English read belowВозможности плагина: 1) Добавляет колонку ID на страницах админ панели. А именно: 'Все записи', 'Все страницы', 'Рубрики', 'Метки', 'Медиафайлы', 'Пользователи', 'Комментарии', 'Пользовательские рубрики/метки', 'Пользовательские типы записей' 2) Позволяет задавать миниатюры для .........

Similar: 15%

SEO Post Content Links

SEO Internal linking (page, post, category). Automatic SEO for website...

Similar: 6%