The Holy Quran

By : unknown

Displays random verse from the holy quran.

Ayah of the Day WordPress Widget

Ayah of the Day displays daily translation of a verse(Ayah) from Holy Quran(Muslim's holy book). You can choose between English and Farsi translation and even use it in your non-widgetized theme! Also you can customize colors,size,margins,etc using "ayahstyle" class.(a little CSS knowledge is requi.........

Similar: 29%

The Random Quranic Verse Widget

A widget that displays a random Quranic verse. You can select from 72 different languages for the Quranic verse. It also gives a link at the end of the verse to where you can read and listen to the rest of the Surah, read the tafsir of the Surah and download the mp3 o.........

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The Random Hadith Widget

A widget that displays a random hadith. It takes hadiths from Sahih Bukhari, Sahih Muslim and more. It also gives a link at the end of the hadith to where you can read more hadiths. Tags: koran, quran, muslim, islam, plugin, hadith, widget....

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The Daily Quranic Verse Widget

A widget that displays a different Quranic verse a day. You can select from 72 different languages for the Quranic verse. It also gives a link at the end of the verse to where you can read and listen to the rest of the Surah, read the tafsir of the Surah and download .........

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Islamic Phrases

With Islamic Phrases you can add easily honorifics for Allah, Prophet, honorable person, month names and day names in Arabic. You can add for caligraphy style or just text. It's simple to use. Hope usefull....

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The Daily Hadith Widget

A widget that displays a different hadith a day. It takes hadiths from Sahih Bukhari, Sahih Muslim and more. It also gives a link at the end of the hadith to where you can read more hadiths. Tags: koran, quran, muslim, islam, plugin, hadith, widget....

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We been working hard to bring you loads of features with easy to use interface. Following are the list of key features: Cross-browser – works in any browser Cross-domain – use html on any site easily with our code Ajax – really fast to load Direct links to ayah, surah and page Social sharing Boo.........

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Quran Shortcode

Quran Shortcode helps you insert any Quranic text in your post easily by searching for a specific word or choosing the number of the verse and the number of the surah. Features: Helps you insert any Quranic text in your post easily by searching for a specific word or choosing the number of the ve.........

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The Quran Verses

The Quran Verses is a sidebar widget that displays random verses from the holy Quran with translation on your wordpress website for your visitors to read with option of refresh button to open and read next verses. We have also added the facility to share the arabic and translation contents on faceb.........

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Holy Quran random verse Multilanguage

Holy Quran random verse widget is translated into 24 languages. Vous pouvez maintenant écouter le verset avec 5 recitateurs au choix(you can now listen to the verse with 5 reciters choice) arabe english français allemand dutch russe albanian azerbaijani bengali bosnian bulgarian chinese czech ind.........

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