The WordPress Cabaret

The WordPress Cabaret is a creator of random poetry. I named this plugin after the "Cabaret Voltaire", the nightclub founded by Dadaists in Zurich in 1916. Like futurism, Dada was probably one of the few forms of Art of the past century that could have performed even better using computers, since those artists loved so much random stuff, graphics, fonts and technology in general. This plugin is incomplete for now, and it can't do a lot to entertain you. For now it creates random poetry, and clouds out of your posts and comments and spam.
By no means I have finished developing it: in the work it has visual experiences (!) too. But since I am not going to have much time to work on it for the next few months or so, I decided to release this reduced version of it.

Great Quotes

The Great Quotes plugin provides an easy way to add rotating quotations to a WordPress site. It supports multiple widgets and multiple shortcodes per page.It is responsive. Clicking on the author's name opens a new tab with his Wikipedia entry. It provides the ability to add, edit, and delete quotat.........

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Halloween quotes

Scare your blog visitors with special Halloween effects that appear unexpectedly at specified time intervals. There are many different types of animations such as a laughing witch, a running black cat and many more that will be displayed randomly. The widget also displays a random Halloween joke on.........

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Imperfect Quotes

Use the intuitive and powerful rich text interface to add and edit quotes, using the 'featured image' functionality to add a thumbnail image. Then, use either the supplied widget, a simple shortcode, or a straightforward function in your theme to add either a specific quote or a random quote to your.........

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Custom Avatars for WordPress

This plugin will give visitors an avatar theme of your choice if they don't have a Gravatar. Its a plugin developed by iElectrify and Fahd Murtaza Simply install the wp-randomavatars plugin into your WordPress plugins folder (/wp-content/plugins) and activate it via the Dashboard. If your WordPres.........

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Show Category Posts Fade in/out

The Random Featured Post plugin allows you to display a random post from a designated category. Ideally this should draw readers landing on your homepage to some of your best posts. The featured post will display the title "Featured Post" (customizable) along with the post's title, an excerpt and a .........

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Fetch Tweets - Rotator Template

This is a Fetch Tweets template that rotates tweets. This is useful when you want to display tweets like testimonials....

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Random Posts Within Date Range Widget

This plugin allows you to create a widget that will display the title/date/excerpt from random posts in a specified(or open-ended) date range. It can also be used outside of a widget to create custom loops of random posts within a date range. The following can be specified: Number of posts to disp.........

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Random Business Quotes

The Random Business Quotes plugin is a widget that displays business and startup quotes on the sidebar or any widget area. The quotes inherit your site's styles, and are responsive and made to fit in any screen size. Quotes are "random" because they're the latest daily entry retrieved from http://.........

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XV Random Quotes

XV Random Quotes helps you collect and display random quotes everywhere on your blog. The plugin is so flexible that it can be used to display random words of all sorts: taglines, "leave a response" messages, footer or header sections etc. It's based on the work of previous (abandoned) plugins: Str.........

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Quote of the Day and Random Quote

This plugins shows the 'Quote of the Day' or a 'Random Quote' from It can be used as a widget, so it's easy to install. After installing the plugin you will have two widgets: 'Quote of the Day' and 'Random Quote'. You can also use the following tags: [quoteoftheday] and [randomqu.........

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