This Day in History - Hiztory

Hiztory is a highly configurable plugin that generates shortcode that'll permit you to display 'this day in history' information on a WordPress page, post or sidebar.

Features include:

  • Generator shortcode (via the admin control panel) with the appropriate options that you can cut and paste into your post, page or widget.

  • Option to update WP to enable shortcode in widgets.

  • We currently provide birth, death, event and aviation history. More modules to come.

  • Numerous shortcode options (list, random, date, formatting ect).

  • Convert words in text that match your WordPress post tags to (tag archive) links. The feature connects the content of the "This Day in History" text to other areas of your website.

Hiztory will be built upon the needs of those that need it. The initial purpose of the plugin was to provide 'This Day in Aviation History' for the website and readers since no other tool was available for such information.

At the moment, we permit up to a maximum of 15 results to be rendered on your website in one query. The Hiztory API applies rate limiting so results are cached locally (using the WordPress transient API) for one hour. Each new request generates new and (optionally) random results.

Related links:

  • Usage

  • Flight

  • Internoetics

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