
What is ThreeSixtyVoice?

ThreeSixtyVoice is a WordPress plugin developed from the initial ideas behind the 360Voice plugin by David Larrabee of I have rewritten large segments of the code with validation and also load times in mind. Essentially it uses the APIs from to display an assortment of data in a widget, or even in your template.

There is nothing wrong with David’s plugin, it functions as required, even if it is rather messy and does not validate correctly. I am by no means trying to belittle his work, but offer an alternative.


* Display your badges
* Display your blog entries
* Display your favorites (most played)
* Display your position in various 360V leaderboards
* Display your 100% complete games
* Widget enabled

All items are able to be toggled on and off, with the number of blog entries and also favorites that is displayed configurable.

Voice Search

Allows visitors to search the site using their voice. Currently only supported by Chrome on both desktop and mobile. See this technical reference for more details. See this blog post for further information about the plugin....

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MarcTV XBOX 360Voice Blog

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wordpress vitalvoice

С помощью данного плагина вы сможете автоматически озвучивать любые записи на своем сайте. Устанавливаете плагин, активируете его - все! Теперь любой пост, отмеченный "для озвучивания", будет автоматически озвучен одним из 5 голосов профессиональных дикторов. Представьте под каждой из ваших записей .........

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PayPal API Subscriptions

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Auto Post Images (API)

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my beautiful tubes

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Ads Manager WP/BB

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