TinyMCE Recover

With the latest WordPress version WordPress lost two tiny buttons in TinyMCE editor. Some users wants them back, this is the only thing this Plugin does: re-add these two buttons.

** You might not need this plugin! Remember that you can add the U tag to your contents in WordPress using CMD/CTRL + U on your keyboard, even without the U button on the editor toolbar. Remember also that the U tag is deprecated since HTML4.

Re-add text underline and justify

In WordPress 4.7, the core developper team decided to make various changes in the editor, including removing the underline and justify buttons and rearranging some of the toolbar buttons. If you don't want to change the way you edit your content and/or don't want to confuse your customers with a new.........

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Who Stole the Text Justify Button ?!

WordPress 4.7 removed the text justify button from TinyMCE buttons. This plugin will bring it back \o/ Disclaimer: justifying is not a very good idea on websites, because it can be unreadable on small screens. According to typographic rules, you shouldn't justify text without good hyphenation and u.........

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MarcTV Bigger Fullscreen Font

Upgrades the fullscreen mode to comply with the "100% Easy-2-Read" standard. http://ia.net/blog/100e2r/...

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Microdata for SEO by Optimum7.com

Microdata for WordPress is a free plug-in developed by Optimum7...

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This plugin allows the integration of Google Maps on your pages or posts using the WordPress Editor (TinyMCE). It supports multiple maps on the same post/page and within each map you can set many options, like the position of the marker, controls, icon of the marker, InfoWindow with Tabs with HTML s.........

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Link to Link

This plugin permits you to easily create a link using an item from the WordPress Links Manager. It adds a button to the tinymce and quicktags editors. Clicking the button will open a dialog window that allows you to search for a link and insert it. Link relationships are supported using the "rel" ta.........

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pure writing


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OTW TinyMCE Widget

Insert a TinyMCE editor in any of your sidebars. OTW TinyMCE Widget Options Add a title to the widget All tinyMCE options are available Visual or Text mode Custom CSS Class Custom styling If you need to further style the widget content generated by the OTW TinyMCE Widget here are your option.........

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Share my Tweet

Share my Tweet use TinyMCE to include various icons, button, cool effects as well as other cool styles into your blog post. Select text on the visual editor then select any feature under the Styles drop down box to render cool effect on your post....

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Visual Editor Custom Buttons

Looking for a fast and easy way to add custom buttons to the WordPress Visual Editor? Look no further. With this plugin you can easily add your own custom buttons in the Visual Editor, as well as the HTML Editor. You can then add HTML code to the button, either as a wrap (before, after) or as a sing.........

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