TM YouTube Subscribe

Use this professionally designed widget to add YouTube subscribe box to your website. You only need to specify major information like: API key, channel title and channel URL. These are enough to add it to the home page, sidebar or whatever. You can also fill in additional fields so users could find more information about the videos.

YouTube Subscribe Button

Pinterest Badge - Adds the YouTube Subscribe Button to your website. It adds a widget to your blog that will display the YouTube Subscribe Button. The button lets people subscribe to your YouTube channel without having to leave your site to either log in to YouTube or confirm their subscriptions....

Similar: 29%

Automatic Youtube Video Posts Plugin

The Automatic Youtube Video Posts Plugin automatically imports YouTube videos from any YouTube channel and/or playlist, creates posts for them and publishes them or creates a post draft according to your settings. The FREE version of this plugin does not currently work due to Google fully deprecati.........

Similar: 28%

YouTube Channel

When you need to display sidebar widget with latest or random video from some YouTube channel or playlist, use plugin YouTube Channel! Simply insert widget to sidebar or shortcode to content, set Channel or Playlist ID, select resource to use and if you wish leave all other options on default. You .........

Similar: 19%

YouTube information Widget

This plugin allows you to embed information about your YouTube channel, including the last uploads, popular uploads, channel statistics including subscribers count, views count, and the about information, and also, a subscribe button next to your channel icon. Also supports shortcodes letting you ge.........

Similar: 19%

Aklamator - Youtube Your Blog

How to choose Youtube channel ? In plugin configuration, just paste link to one Youtube video or if you know URL to Youtube channel. Create account and paste Application ID. Aklamator will find all videos on chosen channel and populate your first widget. What is Aklamator ? Aklamator is free web .........

Similar: 14%

Simple YouTube Embed

Simple YouTube Embed plugin is the easiest way to embed YouTube videos in WordPress. This plugin extends the default YouTube embed with advanced player parameters. When the page is rendered, a high resolution thumbnail image is displayed instead of the YouTube video player....

Similar: 9%

WordPress YouTube Embed

WordPress YouTube Embed plugin is useful and convenient plugin to add videos to your WordPress website without coding knowledge. You can use YouTube Embed plugin for adding videos in widgets, posts, pages, so it mean you can add videos almost everywhere(also you can use our YouTube Embed plugin shor.........

Similar: 6%


TubEntertain Is a Powerful wordpress Plugin That Let You Create a Video Gallery of Your YouTube Live Stream and All Uploaded Videos in your WordPress or Other Website, Alongside With Your Twitter Live Stream, It Is Very Simple, Yet Dynamic. TubEntertain Is A Full Responsive Video Player Plugin for.........

Similar: 5%

Feed Them Social (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Vine, Pinterest, etc)

Create Social Feeds of any or all your celebrities, family, friends, yourself, or businesses. Looks great on Desktops, Tablets, and Mobile Devices. If you're looking for more than just a custom facebook feed our plugin includes most of your favorite social networks....

Similar: 5%

Gratisfaction- Social Contests Referral Loyalty Rewards Program for WooCommerce

Use Gratisfaction to: Get Traffic, Leads & Sales Increase Engagement Get Repeat Purchases & Increase Customer Lifetime Value Get Referrals ...

Similar: 2%