Toggle Media

Toggle Media plugin adds visual animation to your embedded content. You can embed content using a text/image. When a user clicks on the text/image the media opens with a toggle effect.

Sell Media File

Sell Media File plugin extends the embed functionality of WordPress by allowing you to place a buy button for each embedded media file....

Similar: 72%

Responsive Video Embeds

This plugin will automatically resize your WordPress auto-embeds, including video and other iframes, in a responsive fashion. It currently supports the following providers: YouTube Vimeo DailyMotion Viddler Revision 3 Funny or Die Scribd ...

Similar: 40%

Appreplica Social Embeds

Add full featured third party content from your favorite sites to your WordPress powered websites with one plugin. For example, our YouTube App embeds your entire YouTube channel, almost as though viewers were looking at your channel on YouTube itself. We currently have free apps for YouTube, Vimeo,.........

Similar: 39%

BP Profile Widgets

These widgets were originally developed for the Towermix Network at Belmont University's Curb College of Entertainment and Music Business. The BP Profile Widgets allow BuddyPress users to embed a music player, video player, photo gallery, and/or a custom text widget on the sidebar of the user's prof.........

Similar: 35%

OGraphr for WordPress

This plugin adds several Open Graph meta-tags to the header of your theme. These include meta information such as site name, a description (the excerpt of a post), the permalink, author, categories and images for your post. As a specialty, images from embedded video and audio players are retrieved a.........

Similar: 25%

Slim Jetpack

Jetpack is an awesome plugin bundle provided by the Automattic, but it requires account even for those modules previously work as independent plugins. The marketing banners are very obtrusive too. I smashed the bundle to remove the annoying parts and keep the awesomeness. Slim Jetpack.........

Similar: 22%

SlideDeck 3 Lite Responsive Content Slider

Responsive Content Slider by SlideDeck 3Easily create responsive content sliders for your WordPress site without code. Use images & text, plus YouTube, Flickr, Pinterest & more SlideDeck 3 for WordPress is a responsive slider plugin that lets you easily create content sliders out of almost .........

Similar: 20%

Slimpack - Lightweight Jetpack

Slimpack — Lightweight Jetpack. Super-fast performance without modules that requires contracting It provides better performance than original Jetpack. All features that require a account or need contracting / syncing back to servers have been removed. You .........

Similar: 17%

Simple Follow Me Social Buttons Widget

No settings page, only a simple widget to add to your widget areas. It displays the Follow Me social buttons. No images, this widget uses a font icons so it makes it ready for Retina Display. Note: The number of icons has grown considerably since the first version of the plugin, because of this, t.........

Similar: 13%

Social Icons Widget by WPZOOM

Icons Icons are provided by socicon icon font. Twitter, Facebook, Google+, Pinterest, Foursquare, Yahoo, Skype, Yelp, Feedburner, LinkedIn, Myspace, SoundCloud, Spotify, Grooveshark,, YouTube, Vimeo, Vine, Flickr, 500px, Instagram, Tumblr, Blogger, Reddit, Dribbble, Envato, Behance,Deviant.........

Similar: 12%