Topic Manger

This plugin creates an area for site admins to jot down post ideas or assign post topics to content authors. Additionally, authors can be given due dates and suggested post types (article, video, etc).

Admins can also e-mail authors directly through the interface using an extension of the wp_mail() function.

WP HTML Author Bio

Allows you to use HTML and rel= in author's bio , this helps you to get indexed as an author in Google Search...

Similar: 12%

Authors Page

This plugin allows you to display a table of users with specific roles on a separate page by simply calling the shortcode [authors_page]. The table will consist of avatars and usernames. By means of the "role" attribute you can choose to display only users with a certain role. Example: [authors_page.........

Similar: 10%

Author Image(s)

Display image (if present) and/or name for the author of a post, or for all authors on the blog. Use <?php c2c_the_author_image(); ?> as a replacement for <?php the_author() ?> or <?php get_avatar(); ?> in index.php (and/or any other post templates) to display an image for a post'.........

Similar: 10%


This plugin has been replaced by FT FacePress II. This plugin publishes the title of your post as the status of your Facebook profile. Each WordPress author site can setup his or her own Facebook access. Also, the WordPress post information can be published to a Facebook page for which the WordPress.........

Similar: 10%

User Box

Plugin add new widget User Box Widget. Widget shows registered user avatars in a box in similar way like facebook like box does. You can tune widget with these options: define title of widget box set number of displayed avatars choose shape of avatars: circle or rounded rectangle If you have any.........

Similar: 10%


If you have ever asked yourselves: How many articles per month are published on my website? And how many comments? Which is the longest articles published on my site? And the shortest? Which are the most commented posts of the year? How many words are in total in your post? And on average? Well,.........

Similar: 10%

Tag, Category & Author Link Button

This plugin will add a new button to the post and page editing TinyMCE toolbar (though only in visual/rich editing mode). Highlight text and click the main button and it will make that text a tag link to your blog, or you can click the submenu to choose from your site's category links or links to au.........

Similar: 10%

Easy Digital Downloads - FES Vendor Upload Directories

An add-on for Easy Digital Downloads and Frontend Submissions that creates a separate directory in /uploads/edd/ for each vendors downloads and files. By default, EDD and FES save all download files to /uploads/edd/. This plugin automatically creates and upload directory per user. If my user nice.........

Similar: 10%

Authors Autocomplete Meta Box

Replaces the default WordPress Author meta box (that has an author dropdown) with a meta box that allows you to select the post's, or page's, author via Autocomplete. Can really come in handy if you have a lot of authors and are tired of scrolling through that long author dropdown....

Similar: 9%

Author Recent Posts

This Plugin contains a responsive Widget for showing off recent posts by an author on all the single post pages created by that author. This Plugin is useful when you have multiple authors on your WordPress blog and you wish to display list of posts only created by particular author of the post. Wi.........

Similar: 9%