
Travelogue is a plugin for travel writers. You can add location info to posts, view an archive of all posts related to a particular place, and dispay the most blogged about cities in a widget.

Checkout the live demo.

Travel Routes

Easily add geographical tags on a map when you write a post, and it will automatically create new countries and localities terms. You can also order those locations randomly or by date to define your routes. Use the map as a widget, and pick your own colors to customize it. It is a SVG map that rea.........

Similar: 34%


If you find you regularly write blog posts about (local?) businesses you might want to provide info such as hours, phone number, address to your users. However, this can be difficult to keep current. Fortunately Google offers an API called Google Places API Web Service. Google Place API Web Serv.........

Similar: 34%

Easy Maps

In literally just a few seconds, you can add beautiful Google maps to any of your posts with Easy Maps (watch the video below to see it in action!). As you write, Easy Maps can instantly find towns, restaurants, attraction, hotels and more. And because it's connected with, using Easy Ma.........

Similar: 34%

WPCheckin Widget and Shortcode

Why not be able to checkin on your blog so that your readers know where you are and have been? Sure there are other checkin sites on the Internet, but now you can count your blog as one of them. WPCheckin allows location checkins to be displayed in a widget or on any page via shortcode. Using Goo.........

Similar: 29%

Where I'm Going

This plug-in allows you to input your travel destinations and the dates you'll be there, then easily output those dates to your readers. Destinations can be linked to WordPress posts and pages to direct your readers to your content. Output is fully customizable to show destinations and dates in an.........

Similar: 20%

Whereabouts: Swarm

Use the shortcode [whereabouts-swarm] to display your current location anywhere on your website. A widget will be added soon....

Similar: 20%


Travelmap helps you show your travels on a Google map in any post or page. Add places you have visited or plan to visit to show them connected on a world map. Add arrival dates to automatically show your current position and where you have been so far. Map markers and city names can be linked to a .........

Similar: 19%

Nomads Connected

Nomads Connected is a free service for travelers where you can comfortably enter your planned route and keep it up to date when on the road. (And it does a few other cool things like free GEO classifieds.) Further information at The WordPress plugin lets you add Go.........

Similar: 19%


Each user can save his/her current location and the corresponding time (zone). The information is stored as user meta data. The Whereabouts widget displays the location and time (zone) of a specified user (select user in the widget options). You can - of course - add multiple widgets to show more .........

Similar: 16%

OSM - OpenStreetMap

If you want to download the OSM-plugin you are right here! If you want to get detailed information about the OSM-plugin visit these pages: Homepage: WP-OSM-Plugin Forum: EN/DE Twitter: @WP_OSM_Plugin FacebooK: HanBlog Net Features of the OSM-plugin: OpenStreetMap, OpenSeaMap, OpenWeatherMap, .........

Similar: 4%