Tumblr Widget

Tumblr Widget allows you to display the contents of a Tumblr in any widget-enabled area of your WordPress blog. You can import all Tumblr posts, or only those posts with a specified tag, or specify certain categories (photo, link, quotation, etc.) to display.

If you find this plugin useful, I'd love to check out your site. Send me an email and let me know where you're using it! gabe.roth@gmail.com


  • Title: The title you want to appear above the Tumblr on your WordPress page. Leave blank if you like.

  • Your Tumblr: The URL of the Tumblr you want to import. It doesn't have to contain 'tumblr.com'. Leave off the 'http://' at the beginning.

  • Tag to show: Enter a single tag to display only posts with that tag. Leave blank to show all Tumblr posts.

  • Tag to hide: Enter a single tag to hide all posts with that tag.

  • Maximum number of posts to display: This number is a maximum, as the text suggests.

  • Link title to Tumblr: Turns the widget title into a link to your Tumblr's URL. If you don't enter a title in the title field, you won't get a link.

  • Link to each post on Tumblr: When checked, this displays the date of the Tumblr post, linking the date to the original post on the Tumblr site.

  • Images link to Tumblr post: By default, images in photo posts link to a large image file. When this box is checked, they link to the Tumblr post instead.

  • Add inline CSS padding: Adds a CSS style rule adding 8 pixels of padding above and below each Tumblr post. Disable to prevent it messing up your own CSS.

  • Set video width: Resizes videos to help them fit in your theme. Enter a value in pixels. 50px is the minimum. Height will be adjusted automatically in proportion to the width you choose.

  • Show: Include or exclude different post types in the feed.

  • Photo size: Tumblr provides each photo in six different sizes. Whichever size you choose to display, the image links to the 1,280-pixel version.

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