Tw Mail

By : mrtaiw

Send email through SMTP, if it does not work, it will use the default mail to send


This plugin reconfigures the wp_mail() function to use SMTP instead of mail() and creates an options page that allows you to specify various options. You can set the following options: Specify the from name and email address for outgoing email. Choose to send mail by SMTP or PHP's mail() function.........

Similar: 34%

SMTP Mailer

SMTP Mailer plugin allows you to configure a mail server which handles all outgoing email from your website. It takes control of the wp_mail function and use SMTP instead....

Similar: 29%


This plugin reconfigures the wp_mail() function to use SMTP instead of mail() and creates an options page that allows you to specify various options. You can set the following options: Specify the from name and email address for outgoing email. Choose to send mail by SMTP or PHP's mail() function.........

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优化 上传遇到中文名称时自动改名 [v1.1] 命名方式: 时间戳+随机数字 新用户注册时禁止通知管理员 [v1.1] 默认情况下,新用户注册时会发送一封邮件通知管理员,如果不需要通知请开启。 登录后跳转到首页 [v1.1] 如果在wp-login.php登录,默认是进入后台(仪表盘),开启后会进入首页。只有在redirect_to没有值时生效。 关闭.........

Similar: 23%

Gmail SMTP

Gmail SMTP plugin allows you to authenticate with your Gmail account to send email via Gmail SMTP server. Most shared hosting servers have restrictions when it comes to email. Usually email will get blocked or missing for no reason. Sometimes it will get blocked when your website reaches the daily .........

Similar: 23%


Configure your WordPress to send e-mails using your personal e-mail via SMTP. Often useful when your WordPress does not send emails. This happens because your server does not allow sending emails via PHP. Want to keep up with the latest news from this plugin? Follow Twitter @valeriosza and the ha.........

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Custom Email Options

Of course when you send any notice from your website (counting huge numbers of the plugins also) sender is "WordPress" and the sender email location is I needed to have .........

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Easy WP SMTP allows you to configure and send all outgoing emails via a SMTP server. This will prevent your emails from going into the junk/spam folder of the recipients....

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Saksh WP SMTP can help us to integrate SMTP to your wordpress installation. Using this you can integrate a number of free smtp server like gmail , yahoo mail , rediff mail , hotmail and paid smtp like email-marketing247, sendgrid , amazon aes , mandrill, zoho mail etc to your wordpress and send emai.........

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WP Mail Bank - Best PHPMailer & SMTP Mailer

WordPress Mail Bank - Best PHPMailer & SMTP Mailer This plugin reconfigures the wp_mail() function nd make it more enhanced to use SMTP instead of mail() with various options available. The Plugin has options to choose between your custom smtp server or the inbuilt phpmailer....

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