Twitter Reaper

By : _qrrr

Set up wp_cron jobs to occur every minute, half-hour, hour, daily, or weekly. Saves tweet data to database for use in custom theme development.

Parses tweet bodies, replacing urls, hashtags and usernames with corresponding hrefs. Replaces unicode emojis with image sprites.

  • returns array of tweet data for every tweet saved in the cron
    • id [the unique ID of the tweet in the WordPress database]
    • tweet_id [the unique ID of the image as supplied by Twitter]
    • tweet
    • date_created [the date the tweet was made on Twitter]


$tweets = twitter_reaper_get_harvest();
foreach ($tweets as $tweets) {
  <div class="single-tweet">
    <p><?php echo twitter_reaper_tweet_time($tweet['date_created']) . ' ' . twitter_reaper_tweet_date($tweet['date_created']); ?></p>
     <?php echo $tweet['tweet']; ?>
<?php }
twitter_reaper_get_harvest_in_range($start, $stop)
  • returns array of image data for images in range supplied as arguments
  • data return is the same as get_instagram_reap()
  • handy for pagination


$images = twitter_reaper_get_harvest_in_range(0, 25);
foreach ($images as $image) { ?>
  <div class="single-tweet">
    <p><?php echo twitter_reaper_tweet_time($tweet['date_created']) . ' ' . twitter_reaper_tweet_date($tweet['date_created']); ?></p>
     <?php echo $tweet['tweet']; ?>
<?php }
  • this is the function called in the cron-job. You can call it at your leasure if you want to update get new images outside of the schedule
  • query the Twitter API directly. This will not save in the database
  • currently can query by Hashtag or Username
  • query (required) - 'hashtag' or 'username'
  • username - this will get the user ID by the username before querying
  • hashtag - the hashtag for the query
  • count - the number of images to return


$args = array(
  'query' => 'username',
  'username' => 'dvl',
  'count' => '30'

$tweets = twitter_reaper_get_tweets($args);
foreach ($tweets as $tweet) { ?>
  <div class="single-tweet">
    <p><?php echo twitter_reaper_tweet_time($tweet['date_created']) . ' ' . twitter_reaper_tweet_date($tweet['date_created']); ?></p>
     <?php echo $tweet['tweet']; ?>
<?php }

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