
O Twitting adverte em sua conta no Twitter quando existem novas publicações. O Twitting é a continuação do Tweet myPost, só que com suporte apenas em português.

Twitter Publisher

Share a new blog post on Twitter using or url shorteners. gives you the option to use your own domain for shortening, like ( or (Techcrunch), who are also using this plugin. Supports both a main blog Twitter account as well as per author Twitter ac.........

Similar: 58%

Tweet myPost

The Tweet myPost warns on your Twitter account when you publish a new post, using the your App Twitter OAuth, so your posts always leaving with "via Your Blog"....

Similar: 44%

WordPress Dashboard Twitter

Twitter is everywhere. So why not in your WordPress Dashboard? WordPress Dashboard Twitter is a Dashboard Widget that displays Twitter @replies, sent direct messages, Retweets, Friends Timeline and favorites the convenient way within your WordPress Dashboard. WordPress Dashboard Twitter turns your D.........

Similar: 34%


TweetUpdater will send a message to your Twitter account, from you WordPress installation, whenever a new post is published, or when a previously published post is updated; as you choose. The tweet format is flexible, with placeholders for title and URL. URLs can be included from a variety of sour.........

Similar: 30%


TweetPost is a multiuser plugin which allows wordpress publishers to automatically tweet their new posts to their Twitter account. Tweets consist of a message ("New post from @user") including a reference to the author's Twitter name, the title of the post, and a shortened link to the post from b.........

Similar: 23%

Tweet Button with Shortening

Adds a fully configurable official Twitter tweet button to your blog. You can also set it up to use,, tinyurl,, or digg to shorten the links shared through the tweet button. Features: Configure the placement of the button on your posts: top; bottom; top & bottom; or manual.........

Similar: 20%


Twitter tweets plugin is a twitter widget plugin display twitter accounts latest tweets on your WordPress blog. Twitter tweets plugin allows you to set your twitter account widget Id & twitter username. You can customize twitter widget by apply custom height, auto expand tweets images, custom l.........

Similar: 6%

Social Share Pop

That I believe if life gives you lemons, make lemonade ... You should try to find somebody And Whose Life has Given them vodka, and have a party. It is a tool of social networks to counter your post. It has the following counters Facebook Twitter Google Plus ...

Similar: 4%

E-MAILiT Share Buttons

E-MAILiT gives a free, creative solution that permits publishers to coordinate influential features straightforwardly into their sites by means of a completely adjustable stage. The E -MAILiT service coordinates a mixture of share buttons, media solutions, social plugins, analytics, and much more, e.........

Similar: 4%

LessButtons Social Sharing and Statistics

LessButtons automatically display sharing buttons for those social networks, where visitor registered and logged in. Support automated detection and display buttons for Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Reddit, VKontakte, Odnoklassniki. 100+ more social networks and bookmark services.........

Similar: 3%