Ultimo WP

Are you already tired of the way WordPress 3.8 looks?

Did you wish to be able to change and personalize, and even whitelabel some of the WordPress signatures on the WP Dashboard?

Well, you can do all of that with Ultimo WP!

With Utimo WP Dashboard Theme you can:

  1. Personalize the entire look and feel of the WordPress dashboard, based on 8 beautifully designed presets (and counting).
  2. Personalize the login screen of the WordPress dashboard.
  3. Whitelable some of the WordPress signatures, like the footer texts and adding your company logo to the dashboard and login page.

Check out my premium plugins!

Skizzar Admin Theme Lite

Skizzar Admin Theme Lite is a beautifully reimagined admin theme for WordPress and WordPress Multisite. It's modern approach to design will transform your dashboard into a more inviting, better looking and more intuitive interface. Features include: - Horizontal menu (with "More" tab for items that.........

Similar: 58%

WP Admin Color Schemes

Looking for even more WordPress admin color schemes? WP Admin Color Schemes brings 14 new color schemes to your WordPress dashboard, with more to follow. If you like this plugin, please consider leaving a review. Thank you! Follow the developer on Twitter Visit Developer Website Download My Other.........

Similar: 38%

Footer Text

Provides an interface in the dashboard, similar to the post edit screen, that allows you to easily change the text displayed in the footer on the front-end. After installing the plugin, add the footer_text() template tag to your footer.php theme template where you want the text to display. For more .........

Similar: 34%

Baltic Amber Themes & Schemes

With Baltic Amber Admin Themes & Schemes you can: create your own colour scheme by specifying only two base colours, have the theme colours change randomly every time you reload the page, or at any time interval you choose, use one of the administration themes which slightly alter/improve the .........

Similar: 34%

WordPress SEO Nuke Noob Stuff

This WordPress plugin is built to extend and remove the noob things in the WordPress SEO (WPSEO / Yoast SEO) plugin for you or clients who don't care and just want a good plain technical SEO plugin. It currently disables the following "All SEO Scores" dropdown select on posts & pages listings.........

Similar: 22%

Admin UI Simplificator

The plugin simplifies the WordPress admin user interface by hiding most of the WordPress menus. This doesn't mean that the functionality is not accessible. It is just hidden. Also the admin navigation bar is cleaned as well. The plugin is intended to be used by developers/designers who manage WordPr.........

Similar: 15%


If you manage a multi-author WordPress blog or WordPress sites for clients, then you may have wondered if it was possible to clean up the WordPress admin area for your users? There are lots of things in the WordPress admin area that your users don’t need to see or use. This plugin help you to hide u.........

Similar: 14%

Client UI By Redolance

Change the way you and your client using wordpress with Client UI By Redolance . What can we say ? It's 12kb tiny plugin with no setting or option to confuse with . activate it, and ii think you will fall in love with it and use it in all of your projects. for best view use this plugin with the d.........

Similar: 14%

Social Share 2.0 - Social Bookmarks

This plugin adds a small widget within each blog post to share blog posts on Facebook, Twitter, Google Buzz, Digg, Surfpeople, and well over 100 more social bookmarking and sharing sites ....

Similar: 3%

WP App Studio

WP App Studio allows you to build advanced sites in the form of WordPress plugins without writing a single line of PHP code. WP App Studio Plugin is the tool you use to design your plugin and send it for code generation. Create your own plugin and move on....

Similar: 3%