By : unknown

Show used cars for sale in US on your website for free. This widget generates HTML that will show up on search engines as a part of your website. It uses cacheing to improve performance. You can control the content from the admin backend by simply specifying (or not) if you want to show only specific makes and models, or if you want to show cars manufactured within a certain time span. Display cars that are local, or national.

Car Dealer Inventory Page Display

You can display: Vehicle information Year Price Features Color Transmission And other related information to the vehicle Version 1.0 First version of the plugin. Requires the get custom field plugin....

Similar: 60%


Automotive formulas for car enthusiast web sites. Formulas currently include engine displacement and static compression ratio....

Similar: 34%

My Favorite Car

Select and display a list of your favorite cars. You can select used vehicles from dealerships from the U.S., save them to your favorites list and then display them in the sidebar, page or post. My favorite cars plugin uses CarMusing API to get your selection of vehicles. The User ID and Activation.........

Similar: 34%


Thank you for using CarDealerPress for your automotive site(s). CarDealerPress is a display plugin for the DealerTrend Vehicle Marketing System (VMS). This is a very active plugin and is used by large franchise auto groups as well as small independent dealerships across the U.S. and Canada. If you a.........

Similar: 20%

WP Car

WP Car is a wordpress plugin that allows you to add new widget to Your sidebar. WP Car shows a car photo whith big brake horsepower ( bhp ) description and time from 0 - 100 km/h. WP car is an essential plugin for all site/blogs the subject of cars and automotive. Description: All of the photogr.........

Similar: 10%


Now you can display information about races, qualifying results and drivers. You can insert a table of results in posts by using shortcodes....

Similar: 8% Monetization monetization plugin is the easiest and slickest way of monetizing your wordpress blog. It's based on premium interstitial advertisement network ( which deals mainly with links. The biggest advantage of using is that it doesn't need embed any banner ad or popunder .........

Similar: 7%

RevenueHits Official Plugin

RevenueHits is the only Performance Base Ad Network that was build by and for publishers. Established in 2008, RevenueHits ad serving technology delivers more than 2 billion impressions daily to a growing clientele of thousands of publishers, across the world. RevenueHits enables WordPress Publishe.........

Similar: 6%

Post Type X

Post Type X is a free WordPress plugin that allows you to manage and display your X catalog. Replace the X with whatever you need to catalog e.g. flowers, houses, boats, mixed products, services, portfolio....

Similar: 6%

Real WP Shop Lite Ajax eCommerce Shopping Cart

There's a new ecommerce plugin in town, and it means business! Super easy to use, ajax-powered ecommerce shopping cart plugin for WordPress. Real WP Shop (RWPS) Lite eCommerce Shopping Cart follows standard WordPress methodology for theming, so you can make themes for this ecommerce / shopping car.........

Similar: 5%