Vevida Optimizer

Installing WordPress is one thing, keeping it up to date is something else. Each week brings new bugs or potential attack scenarios that will make a WordPress website vulnerable to hacks. Enabling automatic updates for all or at least most parts of WordPress solves a large number of problems with irregularly maintained WordPress websites.

This plugin extends the automatic update feature already present in WordPress. The core updates can be switched on or off, themes and translations can be automatically updated, and the plugin updates can be configured on a per-plugin basis.

Many websites started originally with older versions of WordPress. Previously those installs used older versions of mySQL, when the default table format was myISAM. Nowadays, modern versions of mySQL use the InnoDB format, which is currently enabled by default. Through this plugin the database tables can be optimized for those newer versions of mySQL, converting older myISAM tables to InnoDB. This is required only once, and only when you have been using WordPress for a long time or with a hosting provider that has not actively kept its mySQL installations up to date.

Vevida is a major webhosting provider based in The Netherlands. We have been hosting websites since 1997. We offer specialized WordPress hosting, which includes this plugin by default. This plugin is useful for all WordPress users, so we make the latest version of this plugin available in the WordPress repository. The source code is also freely available on GitHub.

Disable Automatic Background Updates

Plugin homepage | Plugin author | Donate This plugin disables every type of background automatic update (for core, plugins, themes, and languages) automatically, without need to manually choose any setting or option. It is a very lightweight, it has no settings, just activate it and it works immed.........

Similar: 60%

Update Active Plugins Only

If you have a large number of inactive plugins on your site you may notice the plugins screen slows down as it checks all these plugins for updates. This plugin tells WordPress to only check for updates to active plugins....

Similar: 40%

Disable All WordPress Updates

This plugin completely disables the theme, plugin and core update checking system in WordPress. The plugin prevents WordPress from checking for updates including cronjobs, and prevents any notifications from being displayed. This plugin combines und extends these three plugins: Disable WordPress .........

Similar: 34%

Newest Browser

Encourage upgrading to the lastest in technology and security by displaying updates for major browsers your visitor is using, or promote a browser your of choice. Updated are extracted from daily....

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Disable All Updates & Notifications

Easy way to disables all wordpress, themes, plugins, core updates & notifications in wordpress. Automatic background updates were introduced in WordPress 3.7 in an effort to promote better security, and to streamline the update experience overall. By default, only minor releases – such as for .........

Similar: 15%

Genesis What's New Info

Get Access to Genesis What's New Admin Page This simple & lightweight plugin has currently only one task: bring you access to the "What's New" page for Genesis Framework. You can access it everytime in the left-hand admin menu under "Genesis > What's New". (Before this plugin it did only.........

Similar: 15%

Mail On Update

Since WordPress Version 2.5, WordPress automaticly checks if a new update for an installed plugin is available. However, you still have to check your wp-admin to see the notification. This plugin informs you via e-Mail when a new update is available. It uses the wordpress build-in update function to.........

Similar: 15%

Simple Twitter Status Updates

The "Simple Twitter Status Updates" WordPress plugin automatically publishes a status on your twitter account when a post has been published, modified or commented by a user. The "Simple Twitter Status Updates" plugin is configured in with just a few easy clicks and gets connect.........

Similar: 14%

Disable All WP Updates

Disable WordPress Updates This plugin disables all WordPress updates and update checks. This includes WordPress core, WordPress plugin and WordPress theme update checks. This plugin was created by Thomas Griffin. Check out some of my other products, including Soliloquy - the best responsive WordPr.........

Similar: 13%

iRemoteWP Multiple WordPress Control Plugin

The iRemoteWP WordPress plugin is a multiple WordPress sites management service from one location and works with Remotely manage all your WordPress sites from one, easy dashboard....

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