Viddler Brackets

Mimics's functionality with YouTube shortcodes. Adjust $width and $height variables below to taste. Based on the Quicktime Posting plugin by Shawn Van Every and YouTube Brackets by Robert Buzink ( )

Very no frills. No UI settings to configure. To embed Viddler videos, enclose the video URL in square brackets and Bob's your uncle.

Example of usage:

Free Responsive iframe Video Embeds

While being tailored for iPlayerHD Video Hosting users, the plugin should work with any video which can be embedded via an iframe. Simply set the width and height attributes to fit your video's format and you're all set! iPlayerHD users can get a shortcode link with all of the required parameters a.........

Similar: 29%

Gr80 JWPlayer Plugin Helper Panel

JWPlayer Panel registers a meta box in your Post Writing Panel, where you enter your video title/url/thumbnail, and get those displayed automatically before the post content using the official JWPlayer ( Must be installed prior to using this plugin )....

Similar: 29%

MediaCore Chooser

Media management made easy Restrictions on file size, storage and file types within WordPress regularly present barriers to WordPress users who are keen to embed rich, high quality multimedia. The MediaCore plugin for WordPress makes it easy to enhance your posts with video, audio, documents and im.........

Similar: 25%

uQast Video Embed WordPress oEmbed Plugin

This simple plugin enables oEmbed support for the uQast Media Player with full SEO and lead generation capabilities. To add a video to a WordPress blog post just use a similar method to a YouTube video Copy the URL to the page on uQast or the oEmbed code suggested from within the player if it is .........

Similar: 25%

Advanced Videobox

With this plugin you can add videos to your sidebar (or any other widgetized area of your site). Just copy and paste code of the video into the Advanced Video widget. The Youtube's original video code doesn't pass W3C validation. The filtered video code of the Advanced Videobox will keep your site X.........

Similar: 25%

SnagFilms Player Embed

Use SnagFilms Player Embed to embed a film from into any page/post on your site. Embed the SnagFilms Player using shortcode '[snagfilm id="FILM-ID-HERE"]'; replacing 'FILM-ID-HERE' with the id of the desired SnagFilm....

Similar: 25%

Responsive Video Embeds

This plugin will automatically resize your WordPress auto-embeds, including video and other iframes, in a responsive fashion. It currently supports the following providers: YouTube Vimeo DailyMotion Viddler Revision 3 Funny or Die Scribd ...

Similar: 15%

Advanced Responsive Video Embedder

The best WordPress plugin for videos? Supports close to everything you can imagine, still keeping it easy & simple. This is very likely the one and only plugin you will ever need to handle video embeds on your WordPress site(s) Simple • Lightweight • Responsive • Customizable P.........

Similar: 11%

BP Profile Widgets

These widgets were originally developed for the Towermix Network at Belmont University's Curb College of Entertainment and Music Business. The BP Profile Widgets allow BuddyPress users to embed a music player, video player, photo gallery, and/or a custom text widget on the sidebar of the user's prof.........

Similar: 8%

Blubrry PowerPress Podcasting plugin

Blubrry PowerPress brings the essential features for podcasting to WordPress. Developed by podcasters for podcasters, PowerPress offers full iTunes support, Web audio/video media players, exclusive subscribe tools, podcasting SEO features and more....

Similar: 6%