Video Embed Optimizer

By : unknown

Video Embed Optimizer is all about pure performance and fully responsive video embeds. Most users will embed a YouTube or Vimeo video without realizing it slows down their website. The slowness comes from the "ready to play" player loaded by embedding YouTube of Vimeo videos using their suggested iframe embed. With multiple videos or even one on your webpage, you could be significantly reducing the page load time. In a side by side test using GTMetrix, Video Embed Optimizer saved 602KB off of the page size as well as increased the page load time by 5 milliseconds.

Take a look for yourself:

GTMetrix Speed Test

Video Embed Optimizer comes with a quick way to drop your YouTube or Vimeo link in using a new button added to the editor page.


  • Quick and easy video embed button for YouTube and Vimeo videos added to the editor page.
  • Auto adjusts videos to be fully responsive.
  • Significantly reduces page load timew while embedding a YouTube of Vimeo video.


  • The code behind the plugin was written by Jesse Schoberg and all information about the code can be found here on his blog. I simply added a Vimeo feature and turned it into a WordPress plugin.
  • Plugin Icon: Video Checked by Hea Poh Lin from the Noun Project

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