
En configurant un seul plugin, votre blog devient une source de revenus grace à des annonces comportant chacune un lien d'affilié (cloaqué). Les annonces sont maintenues et mises à jour depuis le site et ne demandent donc pas d'intervention de votre part.

Les fonctions de la version actuelle:

  • Intégration d'annonces avec photo + texte dans les articles
  • Choix de la position: au dessus ou en dessous du contenu de l'article
  • Possibilité de limiter le nombre d'annonces par page
  • Rotation automatique des annonces
  • Insertion sur demande d'un lien vers affiliation totale pour toucher encore plus de commissions.
  • Widget pour afficher des annonces (texte seul) dans une sidebar
  • Widget pour afficher des annonces (photo seule) dans une sidebar

Plus de détails sur

Développements en cours

  • Sélection plus poussée des annonces par thématique
  • Intégration plus poussée d'annonces 1TPE
  • Ciblage des annonces par mots clés

Simple Ads Manager

Simple Ads Manager is easy to use plugin providing a flexible logic of displaying advertisements. ...

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Fun for everyone!...

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SAM Pro (Free Edition)

SAM Pro (Free Edition) is an easy to use plugin that provides the flexible logic of display advertisements. The successor of the Simple Ads Manager plugin....

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Ultimate Ads Manager

Create, manage and display advertisements as a widget anywhere on your page. The main features of Ultimate Ads Manager are: Easy to use Awesome statistics Count views and clicks Consider view's/click's uniqueness Consider view/click duplicates Query statistics of last hour, day, week and year All.........

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Custom Ads Management

Features Custom Ads Management Plugin is an easy to use plugin to display custom advertising like google ads, banner ads on front-end side which includes any ads size ranging from 300x250, 160x600, 728x90 and etc.. Custom Ads Management Plugin is used For Marketing Banners and logos of Affiliates .........

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Google Sports News Box

Features The wordpress plugin 'Sports News' allows you to display the latest Sports News in your language using the Google News Element....

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wizScriber™ Whiteboard Animation Software - Create Doodle Ads In Few Clicks

wizScriber is a unique plugin to create engaging whiteboard animated video messages quickly and easily without technical or design skills. It...

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CM Ad Changer

The CM Ad Changer manages several banner advertising campaigns across multiple WordPress sites simultaneously. As an ad-server, plugin settings manage or restrict the showing of banner ads according to each campaign parameters. Campaign settings include days of the week, custom ad campaign dates, ma.........

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Social Share 2.0 - Social Bookmarks

This plugin adds a small widget within each blog post to share blog posts on Facebook, Twitter, Google Buzz, Digg, Surfpeople, and well over 100 more social bookmarking and sharing sites ....

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Ads Manager WP/BB

Use this plugin to quickly and easily insert Any Ad code Unit to your posts and BuddyPress sections including Forum topics....

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