Visual Editor Font Size

Visual Editor Font Size allows you to change the font in the visual editor write field.

Once you install a plugin, you will be able to increase and decrease the font size via a box on the write screen.

This setting doesn't affect the font size your users will see. It affects only you.


Is a Bootstrap 3.3.4 Glyphicon or WordPress Dashicons icon library that allow you to insert it into post/page on a shortcode and customizable size and/or color. Instructions for use: A. RAphicon Button. Edit/Add New any Page or Post. In the visual editor you will see a "RAphicon" button. Click t.........

Similar: 25%

Ignore Code

Wherever you have code you don't want the visual editor to touch use the [ignore_code] shortcode. This version also supports the [insert_php] and <?php tags, though for the PHP tag you will have to start the first line with <?php // > With latter two codes you will have to separately ins.........

Similar: 25%


This plugin makes it easy to add Quicktags to the html - and visual-editor. It is possible to export your Quicktags as a JSON - file that can be imported in other installations of the plugin. WP-AddQuicktag for WordPress is originally created by Roel Meurders. The versions in the Repo of AddQuickta.........

Similar: 25%

MarcTV Bigger Fullscreen Font

Upgrades the fullscreen mode to comply with the "100% Easy-2-Read" standard.

Similar: 23%

Supreme Google Webfonts

This plugin simply activates, and makes accessible the ENTIRE Google Webfonts repository. Your visual editor will show a new, third row with an easy drop-down list for choosing fonts. I also added a box for font size selection... they seem to go hand in hand. If you like this plugin, Please Leave.........

Similar: 23%

Extra Visual Editor Buttons Tinymce Buttons

Simple pugin adds extra buttons like font family, font size, hr and more to the default WordPress Tinymce Visual Editor. Support Me: If you want to support me the developer of the plugin so I can improve this plugin more and add features Please purchase my premium plugin. Thank You. WordPress Popu.........

Similar: 17%

Webchin Kurdish Webfonts

EnglishWebchin fonts Webchin package webfonts for wordpress, consists of 98 pieces of designer wordpress themes, and you can choose a special font for line by line in a for Posts. Or you can select specific fonts for dashboard for better looking. this plugin is written in a way where it can be in .........

Similar: 15%

WP Edit

Introduction For a riveting video introduction into the possibilities available with WP Edit; please visit Jupiter Jim's Marketing Team....

Similar: 7%

Ultimate TinyMCE

Note: The end of Ultimate TinymceThis plugin will not work properly on WordPress versions 3.9 and above...

Similar: 6%

Plug-N-Edit Full Drag & Drop HTML Visual Editor with Web Page Builder WYSIWYG

New Users - Full Drag And Drop! PlugNedit has a more powerfull free version just released in BETA please take a look if you would prefer the newer editor. In Theme Live Editing. Mobile and Full size views with preview. Video Backgrounds. More Stable. Greater Options. Use theme CSS. Adaptive Resp.........

Similar: 5%