
When you develop or modify a website you sometimes want to hide the content from visitors while redirecting them to a temporary page. That's exactly what this plugin does.

  • Multilingual ready: This plugin is currently only available in english. It's however multilingual ready.
  • IP white listing: to let devs, testers & clients access the website during its development (this is not a secured/reliable method to hide content but good enough if your content is not top secret).
  • Posts, Custom Posts & Pages white listing: For callback pages and other pages you may not want to hide.
  • Redirect to homepage: If for any reason people try to access your landing page after you disabled it they will be redirected to the homepage (this behavior can be disabled).

Launchpad by Obox

From the makers of Layers, Launchpad by Obox is the best looking holding page for your WordPress site. Great for “coming soon”, “down for maintenance” or launch pages. There is no premium version! Just great free features :)...

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Instapage WordPress Plugin

WordPress is the giant in the CMS world; the same is true for Instapage in the landing page domain- now imagine the power you'll unleash when you combine both these platforms together. With Instapage you get far more customization options with your WordPress landing pages than a standalone plugin. .........

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Very Simple Splash Page

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Awesome Coming Soon

Add a Coming soon page to your blog that lets visitors know your blog is coming soon. User with admin rights gets full access to the blog including the front end. Activate the plugin and your blog is in As Coming Soon , works and only registered users with enough rights can see the front end....

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Pluralis Plugin

This plugin lets you use Pluralis' platform on wordpress as well. If you don't know who are we and what is Pluralis, visit our site @ http://www.pluralis.com...

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Landing Page Language

Re-directs users to specific language landing pages that have been created by you. Admin can generate pages according to language locals (i.e en, es, de, etc...) and this plugin will identify any browser loading the main page with a language preference and if a page matching exists will redirect us.........

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Landing Page Rockstar - BETA

Please Note: This is a beta testing version of this plugin. Therefore there may be some bugs that you come across. Please report any bugs through my contact form here. Your feedback will help me to improve the plugin in future releases!...

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Indot Under

Under by indot is a simple plugin to make your scheduled launch or scheduled maintenance task easier! You have access to a countdown where you set the time to launch or finish your maintenance, its easy to use and allow you to work your SEO so even when your site isnt live yet you can get some rank .........

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Kento Splash Screen

Display message or HTML content via splash popup box. Details and Support Live Preview Plugin Features Fully Responsive. Test Mode. Iframe Support. Custom Width of popup box. Custom Height of popup box. Unlimited Background Color. Unlimited Background Image. Custom Border Size. Unlimited Border.........

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WP Splash Page

WARNING!: If you have custom templates, please make a backup before update the plugin. WP Splash Page is a useful plugin if you wish a splash page in your WordPress site. In a easy way you can set up the plugin by choosing the text color or the background image among other things. It also provides .........

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