WebStartAvenue Endnotes

Use Endnotes to cite sources or provide in-depth explanations in your posts or pages. All the functionality is provided by an easy to use shortcode. To insert an endnote, use any of the following formats:

[endnote This is an example endnote!]

[end This is another alias for endnotes!]

[note Last one!]

For each of the above shortcodes you can also use the open/close syntax which looks like:

[note]Don't forget to close your endnote shortcodes.[/note]

Each of the above shortcodes does the same thing:

1) Replaces the text by a number, in the order they appear in the document, starting at 1.

2) Places a note at the bottom, in an ordered list corresponding to the number placed in the content's text.

3) Links the endnote and text reference using anchor tags for easy clicking between references and back to the text.

All styles can be customized by adding appropriate CSS styles to your theme.


Endnotes is a simple solution for adding footnotes to your WordPress posts or pages. The plugin originated as a fork of John Watson’s FD Footnotes but has been updated to use the WordPress Settings API. The original plugin’s usage and functionality has been retained....

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Simple Footnotes

Create simple, elegant footnotes on your site. Use the [ref] shortcode and the plugin takes care of the rest. Example usage: Lorem ipsum. [ref]My note.[/ref] If you paginate your posts, you can optionally move your footnotes below your page links. Look under Settings > Reading. Footnotes will s.........

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Blank Footnotes

This plugin allows one to create footnotes by using markdown notation. It is for footnotes only. No other markdown tag is taken into account Example: I have more [^1] to say up here. [^1]: To say down here. If used with jetpack and enabled markdown, it only shows the buttons without modifying t.........

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HELP WANTED! Dear fine footnotes community. Unpredicted challenges in the lives of the footnotes team currently make it impossible to further the development and curation of the plugin. We are proud of you and what we could give you. Turns out our plugin's ships with some kinks, we'd like to address.........

Similar: 34%

Easy Footnotes

Easy Footnotes let's you add footnotes throughout your WordPress posts by using the shortcode [note]Footnote content.[/note]. Easy Footnotes will automatically add the number of the footnote where the shortcode was entered and add the full footnote text to the bottom of your post in an ordered list .........

Similar: 31%

Civil Footnotes

“Civil Footnotes is kickass. Works like a charm.” —Daniel Ignacio Civil Footnotes is a WordPress plugin for adding footnotes on your blog. Civil Footnotes parses your posts for notes wrapped in ((double parenthesis)), which are then reformatted as Daring Fireball-style footnotes. There are many s.........

Similar: 30%

PMID Citations with Read

This plugin allows you to add PubMed citations to the body of any page/post as well as create a list of references at the bottom of any page/post. Links are integrated with the Read by QxMD service to allow rapid access to full text articles through institutional subscriptions on both mobile and we.........

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CM Footnotes

The WordPress Footnotes plugin allows you to easily add footnotes and citations to any page or post on your WordPress site. Customize notes to your site content and cite sources of your material with an easy in-page meta box. Same footnote can be shown in all posts using the same term or synonym Cr.........

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Side Matter

Side Matter turns footnotes into sidenotes, magically aligning each note in the sidebar next to its corresponding reference in the text. Unlike hyperlinked footnotes, sidenotes don't require jumping down the page to follow up on each reference; instead, they perch humbly and accessibly beside the ma.........

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Manage Bibliographic Citations Academic Press supports Apa, Chicago, Harvard, MLA, Turabian citation styles to automatically format your references. When doing inline citations, either use automatic formatting or contextual formatting so that your citation perfectly fits into your sentence. A simpl.........

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