WeChat Subscribers Lite 微信公众订阅号插件

By : redyyu


4.2.1 列表不显示的问题修掉了。






  1. 可设定默认回复为搜索关键字结果;
  2. 可根据类型(Post-type)设定自动回复最新文章、随机文章、搜索结果等;
  3. 可选择某篇文章内容,并将它同步到自动回复中;
  4. 便捷管理多种weixin消息模版,可随时切换,数量不限;
  5. 无需安装任何其他程序,完全使用Wordpress原生支持;
  6. 带有接收消息的历史记录;
  7. 多种消息模式,默认自动回复消息,关键词自动回复消息,weixin订阅自动回复欢迎消息;
  8. 自动检测关键词冲突;
  9. 自由设置纯文本消息、图文消息、最近消息,可随时切换消息类型,排序;
  10. 图片上传管理都使用Wordpress原生图片管理器。

Github: https://github.com/Soopro/wechat_subscribers.

*** 使用作弊方法来解决一些服务器无法通过token验证的问题 ***






List not display when updated to WordPress 4.2.1 is fixed.

New version support “Response by keyword search”,“synchronous Article contents" (supporting news and text messages), "Automatic Replies Recently Post” (news only), "Message History”, This release is develop by GuYue.

This is a simple WeChat public platform plug-in for subscription accounts. Current version of the plug-in now supports ordinary subscription account only, anyone Register free WeChat public platform with subscription account can get full functionality of this plug-in, no need pay for a certified to upgrade your account.


  1. Absolutely no need any other framework to install.
  2. Easy to manage multiple weixin message template.
  3. Set automatic response by "Search keyword", "Recent messages" and "Random messages".
  4. Multiple message type, default reply message, trigger by keywords and new weixin subscriber join in. you can switch thier types any time.
  5. Automatic check keywords conflict.
  6. Free to set message type any time. both text message , graphic news message and recent news message.
  7. Use native wordpress media manage tool to upload pitcures.

Please visit http://www.imredy.com/wp_wechat.

*** Fix token can’t valid problem ***

First you have to follow the regular steps to setup this plugin, After you meet the problem can’t valid your token or time out… I provider a crack file wechatsucks.php, try use it to replace wordpres’s index.php temporary, and try to valid again. Good luck!


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