What Template Am I Using

This plugin is intended for theme developers to use. It shows the current template being used to render the page, current post type, and much more.

The info is only displayed for users that have the edit_theme_options capability.

Information displayed:

  • Current template
  • General Information (post type, are you on the front page, etc.)
  • Additional files used. For example, header.php or footer.php
  • What sidebars are being used and what widgets are in them.
  • List of enqueued scripts and styles.

This plugin is intended for use by theme developers and it requires a standards compliant browser. This plugin will not work in IE8 or below.

Monster Widget

The Monster widget consolidates all 13 core widgets into a single widget enabling theme developers to create multiple instances with ease. It has been created to save time during theme development and review by minimizing the steps needed to populate a sidebar with widgets. The Monster widget is not.........

Similar: 50%

What Template

Adds the current page's template name to the admin bar. Because this plugin reveals potentially sensitive information about the active theme, it is recommended for development environments only, and should not be enabled on a production site....

Similar: 40%

which template file

Need to know which template is used by WordPress to display your pages in the front office ? This plugin simply does this. Efficient and very easy to install, it will show you in the admin bar the name of the php file currently used to display the current page....

Similar: 34%

DP Debug Menu

A fast/small debugger integrated into the WordPress Admin Bar, made for identifying the template used for displaying current page. It was built for fast debugging old projects or other people's work. It adds some other potentially useful informations in the dropdown list: * the current theme (use.........

Similar: 29%

Template File Name Debugger

This plugin adds the name and path of the theme (template) file used to generate the html page into the page's source as a comment. It will also add the name of the header, footer and sidebar if they are included. This is useful for debugging and seeing what template file generated a page. To use,.........

Similar: 29%

Eazy HTML5 Elements

Eazy HTML5 Elements is a WordPress plugin that displays most HTML elements using a shortcode. This allows theme developers to visualize how HTML elements will display. Eazy HTML5 Elements includes material copied from or derived from HTML5. Copyright © 2014 W3C® (MIT, ERCIM, Keio, Beihang). HTML .........

Similar: 29%

Reveal Template

Designers and developers know that it can sometimes be confusing and frustrating to determine the exact template being utilized to render the currently displayed page in WordPress. Sometimes page or category specific templates exist, or a page/post has been set by the post author to use a particular.........

Similar: 23%

Category Template Hierarchy

Adds several new templates to the template hierarchy: child-of-category-{slug}.php category-{slug}.php child-of-category-{id}.php category-{term_id}.php parent-category.php child-category.php category.php archive.php index.php This greatly extends the native hierarchy of theme templates with reg.........

Similar: 17%

Theme Switch and Preview

The plugin is great for theme development as you can tweak the template online without breaking stuff for visitors. You can also use it for presentations, to show off various templates. There is a widget and a theme cloud shortcode to make this easier. This plugin has three basic configurations: .........

Similar: 14%

Ajax For All

The best way to see what this plugin does is to look at the live demo. The theme on that site wasn't tweaked at all to make the Ajax functionality work (except some irrelevant CSS changes). It works out of the box on most WordPress themes that follow the theme coding recommendations. This plugin de.........

Similar: 13%