Whisper Embed

Adds oEmbed support for Whisper in posts. Just copy a Whisper's url from http://whisper.sh into your post and the Whisper embed will be created.

Yahoo Screen Embed

This plugin adds OEmbed-style embedding of Yahoo Screen videos. Paste the URL of a video’s Yahoo Screen page on a blank line by itself, save, and an embed will appear in its place on the front end. No need for any HTML code: it just works. (The technical bit: Yahoo Screen allows embeds by appendin.........

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CBA Easy Embed

Makes it easier to embed content from the Cultural Broadcasting Archive (http://cba.fro.at). Paste in a link to a single entry like http://cba.fro.at/112836, and the plugin will get the default embed code for you. Uses the oembed technology....

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Ustream is the leading live interactive broadcast platform that enables anyone with an Internet connection and a camera to engage with their audience in a meaningful, immediate way. Users can copy and paste URLs of live streams, videos and highlights from Ustream.tv into their WordPress blog posts..........

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WordPress.org Plugin/Theme Information Embed

A WordPress plugin that allows you to embed realtime information about plugins or themes from WordPress.org into posts and pages simply by pasting in the URL to the plugin into your post or page. The main development is all going on on GitHub....

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Easy Post Embed Code

Note that this plugin requires WordPress 4.4+. Right now, that means that you will need to be running the 4.4 beta release until the final version is officially released. You can run the latest beta using the WordPress Beta Tester plugin. The oEmbed feature that is built into WordPress core from ve.........

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Speaker Deck Embed

Add Speaker Deck presentations really easily. Just paste the speakerdeck.com URL on its own line in your post editor, like: http://speakerdeck.com/u/mattwiebe/p/power-your-portfolio-with-wordpress This plugin talks to Speaker Deck's oEmbed provider and transparently embeds your slideshow. Or, us.........

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Rajce embed

For English, see below. Czech: Tento plug-in umožňuje snadno vložit obrázky nebo celá alba hostovaná na (v Česku) populárním serveru rajce.net (rajce.idnes.cz) do vašich příspěvků ve WordPressu. Vložená galerie pak vypadá jako nativní galerie WordPressu, používá stejný vizuální styl. Vkládání obrá.........

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YouTube White Label Shortcode

This plugin adds the shortcode [youtube -white-label ] and allows you to input any YouTube™ video (that allows embeding outsite the YouTube™ domain) with control over the logo, player, autostart and more. A shortcode generator has been added to all public $post_type edit screens. You ca.........

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DX Getty Images oEmbed

Just paste a link from Getty Images and it will embed the image in your content...

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Jigsaw Planet

Create playful puzzles from images and embed them to your WordPress site using JigsawPlanet.com online tool....

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