Whos Amung Stats

By : unknown

Show Whos Amung Stats live in the Admin Bar, and in the Admin panel, without to go outside from your website / blog. With automatically refresh (live) on the Admin Bar and Admin Page. Just Cool and Simple.

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We are tracking this plugin. This will not break your privacy. We track only installation and uninstallation of the plugin.


PLEASE NOTE: This is a new version of the 1.0.0 plugin and requires that you manually enter your private/public API keys. They can be found on getkya.com under Setup. And they are entered in WordPress under Settings -> KYA The KYA plugin lets you better understand your audience, track audience e.........

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Press-this auto close

This is a plugin for Press-this tool, it auto close your window when you publish your post after 3 seconds. 该插件为wordpress的"快速发布",添加在3秒后自动关闭其窗口的功能....

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Nodelytics Real Time Stats

Nodelytics is a work-in-progress service that let you see in real time who is visiting your web site without reloading the page. Youtube demo video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sxwp75HGHMs...

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IPGP Visitors Origin

This plugin will show you information about your website visitors: country, city, region, ISP. It will also show a map with the number of visitors from every country. The plugin uses the API from http://www.ipgp.net...

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Displays your visits from Google Analytics in a Feedburner like style in the sidebar of your blog via widget interface or anywhere else via function call. The plugin displays always the visits from yesterday. The Plugins comes with 4 layouts so far. We're planning to release some more layouts with .........

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Opentracker Analytics

Opentracker is a competitively priced best-of-breed solution for website & mobile app analytics, website Lead gathering and other big-data traffic reporting. Our goal is to provide the best, most informative, and most straight-forward analytics solution available. Features include: Search all.........

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Subscriber Inbound Traffic Tracker

THE PROBLEM I can’t directly attribute traffic to my subscribers because they aren’t segmented in my web analytics. Why? Subscribers coming from offline applications get categorized under “(direct) ((none))” in Google Analytics. I can’t simply attribute “(direct) ((none))” to only subscriber traff.........

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Google Analyticator

Google Analyticator makes it super easy to view Google Analytics within your WordPress dashboard. This eliminates the need to edit your template code to begin logging. Google Analyticator also includes several widgets for displaying Analytics data in the admin and on your blog. One of the most popu.........

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WSAnalytics - Google Analytics And Dashboards

WSAnalytics - A very simple way to install Google Analytics and have all it's feature under WordPress Admin area, WSAnalytics creates Google Analytics Dashboard helps to-do all implementation for Google Analytics. Features: Install Google Analytics on Your WordPress in few clicks. Option to choos.........

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WP Slimstat

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