Word Press Currency Exchange

By : unknown

Widget that lets you to make currency covertions in your blog. The reference rates below obtained from the European Central Bank and are based on the regular daily concertation procedure between central banks within and outside the European System of Central Bank

FX-CurrencyConverter Plugin for WordPress

Simple lightweight currency converter plugin for WordPress that allows your visitors to search foreign exchange rates between almost any world currencies and displays live interbank rates via a popup. Simple shortcode allows the converter to be added to posts and pages, and a sidebar widget is inclu.........

Similar: 34%

BTC Exchange Widget

Simple widget for converting Bitcoin to multiple currencies. More than 20 global currencies supported! This plugin reads remote data from bitcoinaverage.com in order to provide accurate and up-to-date exchange rates. *OpenSSL or equivalent module must be enabled to utilize this remote data.*...

Similar: 34%

CBX Currency Converter

Titles says it all. This plugins shows a currency converter box in wordpress. The display can be done via widget or shortcode. Developer can show using custom function call as need. Features: Display a awesome from to convert currency in any content with shortcode [cbcurrencyconverter] or any wid.........

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YAACC: Yet Another AJAX Currency Converter widget for WordPress features a intuitive UI and advanced caching of currency rates....

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Russian Currency

Плагин представляет собой виджет, который выводит текущие курсы валют - официальный курс, установленный ЦБ и биржевой курс (в настройках вы можете задать вывод лишь одного типа курсов). В плагине поддерживается кэширование полученных данных (вы сами задаете время обновления курсов), поэтому установ.........

Similar: 23%


Show the exchange rate Central Bank of Russian Federation. This bank sets the exchange rate once a day on weekdays. To display dynamic exchange rate using the module MoExRate. Отображение курса валют ЦБ РФ на текущий день c динамикой изменения курса RUR, RUB, EUR, USD. Устанавливается банком один р.........

Similar: 23%


This script load hourly by cron XML with currency rate of USD/RUR and EUR/RUR from "Moscow Interbank Currency Exchange" (http://www.micex.ru/issrpc/marketdata/currency/selt/daily/download/micex_currency_selt_$date.xml) Курс валют Московской Биржи показывает динамические значения дня для USD/RUR и E.........

Similar: 23%


curreX is an AJAX powered Currency Conversion widget which can be run in your WordPress sidebar(s). The widget is very simple and does exactly what it's supposed to do. It accepts a currency value (integer or decimal) and a source & destination currency and gives you the converted rate once you .........

Similar: 19%

Auto Currency Converter

When money notations appear in your posts/page text, this plugin detects and adds the converted amount in foreign currency. For now, this plugin only works between Japanese Yen and US dollars, in English and Japanese. For example, sentence like "It costs $350." would be "It costs $350(32,854 Japan.........

Similar: 19%

Bitcoin Calculator Widget

Simple widget for converting Bitcoin to multiple currencies. This widget gets the most-recent available exchange rate data from Blockchain.info by using their ticker API. List of currently supported currencies: USD CNY JPY SGD HKD CAD AUD NZD GBP DKK SEK BRL CHF EUR RUB SLL PLN THB This plugin.........

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