Wordnik Word of the Day Widget

Simple widget for displaying the current Word of the Day from the Wordnik API

You will need to register with Wordnik and obtain an API key to use this widget. An API key can be obtained at http://developer.wordnik.com/

Word of the Day by Wordnik

This plugin shows the latest word of the day from Wordnik.com. Every day your readers will see an interesting word, complete with definition and a real example sentence with attribution. Wordnik's words of the day are always unique, interesting, and rare. Give your blog readers a little word fun ev.........

Similar: 43%

Free Dictionary

Free Dictionary Sidebar Widget for WordPress provides an English Dictionary that gives you English definitions, synonyms, pronunciation, spelling and more. Visit http://www.freedictionary.org/external/wordpress/ for more information....

Similar: 12%

Explanatory Dictionary

This plugin is used when there are some words, words expressions or sentences to be explained in the posts or pages of your wordpress blog. It will help the visitors to read the explanations of the words (words expressions, sentences) you need via tooltips. It can also be used as a glossary....

Similar: 12%

Quick English Dictionary Meaning

Quick Dictionary Meaning from BeeDictionary.com creates a small temporary popup for difficult and confusing words. A reader can check the meaning without opening a dictonary or going to other sites. It has a database of more than 3000 difficult and commonly confused errors. It identifies those word.........

Similar: 9%

Link to Dictionary Meaning

Link to Dictionary Meaning allows you to quickly set links for difficult words to Bee English Dictionary definitions of words/phrases containing meaning, audio, phonetics, usages and other informations. *Write "{bd:polemic}" to create a link to the english lemma of "polemic"....

Similar: 9%

Name Directory

This plugin adds name/term directories to your WordPress installation. They are like glossaries. The output on your website is like a glossary/index. I recommend you to take a look at the screenshots, they illustrate more than words. The Name Directory plugin was orginally developed for ParkietenVi.........

Similar: 9%

WikiTip Knowledge Cluster ToolTip for WordPress

This plugin integrates a tooltip dictionary with terms definitions stored at wikitip.info. Wikitip.info is a WordPress Multisite installation available for subscription of subdomains that are named Knowledge Clusters. All post tags are making the terms dictionary, post content is the definition of t.........

Similar: 9%

CC Lexicon Lite

Lexicon Entries consist of a "Term" and a "Definition" (if you are creating FAQs, this equates to a "Question" and an "Answer"), and can be managed in exactly the same way as standard WordPress posts. The Lexicon Entries can also be organised into Categories. The Lexicon Entries are displayed usin.........

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WEHEWEHE Hawaiian English Dictionary Widget

Just place the Widget on your sidebar to let your visiters translate words from Hawaiian to English or English to Hawaiian. Plugin Updated Dec-18th...

Similar: 8%

iThoughts Tooltip Glossary

This plugin is a fork from the inactive plugin "WP Glossary v3.1.1.2" by tcbarrett. The whole base plugin is from him, I just did some improvements. For any bugs, please post on my blog's iThoughts Tooltip Glossary page, as I'll be able to bring corrections and improvements. Build a glossary on you.........

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