
By : smyx

因为某种原因,此插件更名为 WordPress连接微博,请在后台插件页停用该插件,并删除,再安装 WordPress连接微博: http://www.smyx.net/wp-connect.html


little wp to twitter

Please go to Social Medias Connect page to download the newest plugin. *little wp to twitter, a portable tool that post a tweet to your twitter when you have a new post or update a early post. *You can customize the prefix update information. *Edit page log free to control whether single article lo.........

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同步博客插件目前只提供给付费用户使用,是从 WordPress连接微博专业版 早期版本的“同步博客”项目剥离出来的插件。 最新的WordPress连接微博专业版V3.3 版本还包括同步到豆瓣日记、Tumblr等。 插件页面:http://www.smyx.net/wp-blog.html 新浪微博: @水脉烟香.........

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WordPress连接微博 —— 集成了Denglu评论(还包括同步文章到微博、合作网站帐号登录WordPress等实用功能)...

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Simple Biz Twitter Widget

Description: Creates a Simple Twitter profile widget for your sidebars. 1.Links @usernames, #hashtags and URLs 2.Works for any username with public tweets 3.Input your own colours to suit your website 4.Does not require a twitter password 5.This widget can be used with any theme ...

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WordPress连接微博专业版V4.1 已经震撼发布 详细文档: http://blogqun.com/doc/wp-connect.html 使用微信、QQ、新浪微博等21个社交帐号登录您的网站。 同步文章、评论到13个微博/SNS。 本地化“社会化评论框”,包括微博评论回推到网站和新回复邮件通知。 社交数据统计(包括注册/登录/同步评论等),社交用户分析(社交网.........

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Open Social

Allow to Login or Share with social networks (mainly in china) like QQ, Sina WeiBo, Baidu, Google, Live, DouBan, RenRen, KaiXin, XiaoMi. No API! NO Registration! NO 3rd-party! 可用国内社交网站:腾讯QQ、新浪微博、百度、豆瓣、人人网、开心网、小米、CSDN、OSChina、微信绑定登录或分享的一个插件。 无第三.........

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Share Button

Share Buttons Widget is simple and easy to use. With Share Buttons Widget you can share your content at Facebook, Twitter, Google, Digg, Delicious and many more! After plugin activation you will be automatically redirected to your widgets page so you can configure the Share Buttons Widget in your .........

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Like Gate

Like Gate allows you to reveal some hidden/secret content when the user likes the article. All you have to do is insert some content between tags and that information will be shown after the like. This could be image, download link to an ebook, YouTube video (using iframe)...

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Facebook Like Lock

Facebook Like Lock for WordPress. Locks your content and user can unlock by clicking on like button. This will increase facebook likes of your wordpress site and which will result in increase of traffic from Facebook....

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Custom Login Page Styler - Admin login page

Give your admin login , login , registration and password recovey pages new customized look in few minutes zero coding skill required. Create your own custom login page or Admin login with custom login page styler ,Easy to use no coding skills required for customization. Create beautiful custom l.........

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