WordPress Environment Beacon

It is a plugin intended for developers:

The goal of this plugin is to display information about the Environment in which wordpress is installed as well as all global variables from php.

By enabling this plugin some new options will be coupled to the main menu wordpress namely:

Host Infos:

  • Here you will be able to see a number of important settings of the Environment where wordpress is installed.

  • If you want, you can save this configuration and if necessary, you can change the Environment (server) and verify the changes by saving them to a new record containing the new settings.

  • If you are a developer (just as I) it's always good to have access to information from the Environment to which you are writingby this link is possible to have access to it.

  • You can also categorize the settings.

  • All settings, if saved, are saved in post_meta where you can search and change later.

  • You can insert an image highlighted to refer to that configuration.

All WP Settings

  • In the WordPress normal configuration options a series of fields are hidden by default and what this option does is display all of them, so you have more control over WordPress.

php info

  • Using this option you will see the phpinfo with all php Options that are enable to the server where WordPress is installed
  • For the future I am developing more great options for us developers wordpress.

Install and enjoy! =)


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