WordPress Hebrew Date

By : hatul

The plugin preview Hebrew date in date of post and date of comments. The hebrew date format able to change in options page of the plugin.

BB's Hebrew Date

When activatied, substitutes the apropiate hebrew date (in hebrew) for the year, month and day parts of any date on your site....

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turn off the WordPress site, while Shabat of High Holidays סגירת אתרי וורדפרס בשבתות וחגים For more information ...

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Use the popular CalJ API to display the begin and end times of Shabbat as well as the name of the week's Parasha on your blog, with the help of a simple shortcode...

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Hebrew Date

This plugin allows WordPress to easily show Hebrew dates instead of (or in addition to) the standard Gregorian dates. No theme changes are required. This plugin is based on the Hebrew Date plugin from KosherJava. All bugs are mine, though. This plugin is slightly similar to http://wordpress.org/ex.........

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Hebrew username

this plugin overrides default wordpress sanitize and add Hebrew characters....

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A While Ago

Show timestamp for a post or page using a relative description (e.g. "Hours ago", "5 days ago"). The strings can be be changed easily for translations, and custom text can be prepended or appended to the timestamp. The rules for the descriptions are (along with the default strings): Within the la.........

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Analog Clock Widget

Analog Clock Widget plugin allows you to create an unlimited number of different analog clocks. The plugin based on SVG Raphaël - JavaScript Library. To be able to add any time zone, you need to have a username in geonames.org. Read more on http://plugins.mcnika.com/analog-clock-widget-documentati.........

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Local Time Clock

Display a clock on your sidebar set automatically to your location's timezone. Select from a choice of clocks, colors and sizes. A wide range of analog and digital clocks. See screenshots tab or designs shown in localtimes.info/getwidget Choice of size, colors of text, border and background, Autom.........

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Kalendář / Calendar

CZ Plugin zobrazuje hodiny, čas, kdo má dnes a zítra svátek, sudý/lichý týden, číslo týdne a počet dní do Vánoc či konce roku. To vše v postranním panelu (možno použít jako widget). Autor slovenského překladu Patrik Bodnár ...

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Countdown Timer

Countdown Timer allows you to setup one or more dates to count down to or away from. Events can be inserted into the sidebar using the widget, or within posts and pages using shortcodes. Currently supports 22 languages....

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