WordPress Hovercards

WordPress Hovercards is a open source WordPress plugin that instantly integrates hovercards inside of your WordPress blog without any configuration. It only weighs 4 KB! which is incredibly lightweight!

Hovercards have been used for many years by Facebook, Twitter and plenty of other websites as a mean of engagement. It helps encourage people to view other pages on your site, and it is an excellent way to boost the clickthroughs and page views of your blog.

Hovercards will provide a JSON endpoint to your WordPress blog to make Hovercard-related data available to use through the frontend. Then we use our JavaScript plugin to call the same endpoint, and if it finds data, it displays a gorgeous hovercard as you see above!

It's intelligent enough to detect which links don't need a request, and it caches in-browser within all browsers. This saves HTTP requests to your server which aren't needed and therefore being efficient!

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