WP Before After viewer

By : WWGate

WP Before After Viewer plugin display two images side by side to compare them, and see the difference in very clear way. There is some settings you can configure in the setting page:

  1. Animate intro
  2. Show full image links.
  3. Divider position ( you can make one image bigger than the other one).
  4. Divider color to set the border color between the two images.
  5. Enable Left/Right keyboard keys
  6. pixels moves when keyboard keys pressed: you can set how many pixel should the divider moves when Left/Right key pressed.
  7. it looks great in all devices!

you can insert this shortcode in any post/page or text widget



[wpba before_label="before Caption" after_label="After Caption"]
    <img src=https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-before-after-viewer/"before_image" width="600" height="300" />
    <img src="after_image" width="600" height="300" />

click here to see plugin demo

Please don't hesitiate to contact us if you have any question, feature suggestion via support[@]wwgate.net

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