WP Cloudy

WP Cloudy is a flexible and easy to use weather plugin that allows you to create unlimited different weather using Custom Post Types and Open Weather Map API.

Create a weather, select your city, choose the options and customize the look in a few clicks.

Embed it anywhere with the shortcode automatically generated by copy and paste in posts, pages, text widgets, or directly in the PHP files of your theme.

With Custom Post Types, you minimize maintenance: change some settings to automatically change all weather with the same shortcode instantly.

Awesome Weather Widget

Pro Version available. Weather icons, New Layouts and Custom Templates, Weather by Yahoo! (no API key required), User Location Detection and more! This plugin allows you to easily add super clean (and awesome) weather widgets to your site. The weather data is provided for free by http://openwe.........

Similar: 42%

Apixu Weather Widget

This plugin allows you to easily add Apixu weather widgets to your site. The weather data is provided for free by http://apixu.com, they require an API Key to access their weather. Once you have the API Key you can simply add it in 'Settings' -> 'Apixu Weather' and you're ready to go. Use the b.........

Similar: 34%

Weather Press

Change the look and feel of your website with Weather Press, this is a highly extensible wordpress weather plugin and widget powered by OpenWeatherMap,powerful and Lightweight. This is the Unique plugin that allow your visitors to get the weather data of as many cities as you wish inside a single in.........

Similar: 34%

HD Weather Widget by The Waypoint

Hacking: John Grefe - Twitter Google + Design: James Steward - Twitter Google + Group: The Waypoint - http://consultants.thewaypoint.com This plugin uses HD 331dpi images, in beautiful responsive cirlces, to display weather for your location. Images included in this package now. The plugin par.........

Similar: 34%

Weather Underground

Wunderground is the best WordPress weather site. Wunderground.com has the most accurate and in-depth weather information. They're also not evil corporate giants, and are weather geeks, which is nice. This plugin uses the Wunderground API for its accurate forecasts....

Similar: 27%

Yahoo! Weather Forecasts

This plugin uses the Yahoo! Weather feed data to display selected city latest weather forecasts. Get your favorite city weather in a widget. Easy to customize and support multi-widget. This plugin also comes with temperature options. Set the country WOEID with WOEID Generator, and you will have th.........

Similar: 23%

Skysa weather widget

By Installing this weather widget your users can see weather updates for their location on your website through Skysa bar. You can get forecast, various units and really beautiful, eye pleasing weather status that instantly seeks attention of your visitor. The weather widget plugin loads from our op.........

Similar: 19%

WCP OpenWeather

WCP OpenWeather plugin allows you to add various widgets and shortcodes with current weather or forecast for your city. Our plugin is based on free OpenWeatherMap API and works with free API key for weather data receiving with limitation for this plan, but you can buy any key for paid plans and use.........

Similar: 17%

Animated weather widget by weatherfor.us

By Installing this weather widget your users can see weather updates for their location on your website. You can get weather forecast, various units and really beautiful, eye pleasing weather status that instantly seeks attention of your visitor. This weather widget can either stay in your footer or.........

Similar: 15%

POWr Weather

Track and display a real-time forecast for any location! POWr Weather is a free cloud-based plugin you can edit in your live web page. Create a POWr account to access the entire plugin library. First, download, install, and activate POWr Weather. Then drop the widget anywhere in your theme. Or.........

Similar: 13%