WP Enqueue

This plugin makes it dramatically easier to enqueue scripts and styles. Manage it from a separate option menu page.

You can enqueue in head or in footer, enqueue in admin dashboard, enqueue only for homepage, enqueue for all pages/posts/categories/archives or enqueue for a specific page/post/category.

Choose from any script/style in theme folder or from a specific plugin folder.

It has never been so easy before!


This plugin uses the wp_print_scripts action hook, as opposed to output buffering and regex used by alternative implementations. The downside of this method is that only scripts loaded via wp_enqueue_script will be affected by the plugin, the upside is better performance by avoiding output bufferin.........

Similar: 34%

Debug Bar List Script & Style Dependencies

We all know that when we're add a script or style to WordPress, we should use wp_enqueue_script( $handle, $src, $deps, $ver, $in_footer ) and wp_enqueue_style( $handle, $src, $deps, $ver, $media ) as in: function themeslug_enqueue_style() { wp_enqueue_style( 'core', 'style.css�.........

Similar: 30%

Jam Plugin for WordPress

The Javascript Application Manager (JAM) for WordPress is a unique new tool for quickly including a wide variety of plugins and libraries for Javascript and jQuery allowing users to load one or many with a simple interface, eliminating the need to alter themes to bring the wonderful user experience..........

Similar: 25%

WP Scripts & Styles Optimizer

Optimization of included JavaScript- and CSS-files is a very important thing. Many WordPress plugins comes with multiple third-party and/or own JavaScript-files that are then often included on every page of your site. In worst cases you have more than one of the same file included on your site. Tha.........

Similar: 24%

Custom Resources

This plugin will make developers and site builders (hopefully very) happy. It enables site administrators to supply additional styles or/and scripts to be loaded alongside the theme's resources. It will work regardless which theme the site is running, which makes it brilliant for adding custom prog.........

Similar: 23%

Deregister Contact Form 7

Prevents the scripts and styling from the Contact Form 7 plugin from loading on your site. Useful for situations in which you do not require the AJAX functionality of the original plugin and have included all the necessary styling in your themes CSS....

Similar: 23%

Remove Links and Scripts

This plugin can remove the links, scripts, styles and some other meta from the wordpress header as listed below: shortlink rsd_link wlwmanifest_link feed_links emoji_scripts wp_embed wp_json emoji_styles generator rel_link All the above headers can be removed from this plugin. You can select .........

Similar: 20%

jQuery UI Widgets

Now updated to work with WordPress 3.7! So, just how easy is it? Install and activate the Plugin. Add your jQuery code to the 'Custom jQuery Code' text box in Plugin settings. On your post, page, or text widget, add the corresponding HTML markup. That's it!! You can easily tweak further setting.........

Similar: 20%

WP Scripts Customizer

WP Scripts Customizer provides you with two fields that will output to the head section of your site before the closing head tag and just before the closing body tag. These will appear on every page of the site and are a great way to add analytic code, Google Font and other scripts. Only user with u.........

Similar: 16%

Enhanced Header / Footer Injections

Enhanced Header / Footer Injections allows you to insert HTML code into the header and footer sections of your templates on a page per page basis. This also works with custom post types, archive pages, the 404 page, the main blog page and the front page (if used). The plugin is designed to help sp.........

Similar: 15%