WP Fontallic Easypromoweb

Select from a variety of icon fonts, and see them right in the visual editor with the simplest icon font tools avaialbe,

See the screenshots to preview the super simple user interface.

WP Visual Icon Fonts

Select from a variety of icon fonts, and see them right in the visual editor with the simplest icon font tools avaialbe, See the screenshots to preview the super simple user interface....

Similar: 91%

NextGEN Font Awesome On

Activate NextGEN Gallery’s enqueue of Font Awesome always on your site. Take advantage of an amazing font library. Learn more about me on my photo website....

Similar: 63%

Icon Fonts

This plugin adds support for 18 free icon fonts (over 6000 icons). Dashicons (218 icons) Elegant (360 icons) Elusive (304 icons) Entypo (284 icons) Font Awesome (519 icons) Foundation (284 icons) Genericons (147 icons) .........

Similar: 45%

Ayo Shortcodes

This plugin add visual design elements by using WordPress shortcode API. Take a look at our free Genesis child theme for demo and documentation....

Similar: 37%

Icon List

Icon List WordPress plugin provides a powerful and flexible widget to use standard list with icons. It can be used to display variety of information in an easy way with the cool icons. For Example, Address / Contact information can be used professionally. Social Media information can be displayed .........

Similar: 37%

Widget Icon

Widget Icon enhances your website with 640+ beautiful icons from Font Awesome and Elusive font libraries designed for Twitter Bootstrap. You just select a font library, select an icon and display it in any widget on your WordPress site. For more information, check out plugin page at dFactory or plu.........

Similar: 28%

GUI - Visual Editor

Creating a web page you like professionals GUI-VisualEditor (VE) is a project to provide a "visual" or "WYSIWYG" like online rich-text editor, It was developed by Ihsana's lab. GUI-VisualEditor gives you the ability to edit without needing to learn HTML markup, and front-end framework code like as .........

Similar: 17%

Tiny Bootstrap Elements Light

Add a Bootstrap toolbar to WordPress editor, access to visual editors to create/edit : Button (+ icons) Icon Table Template (create only) Breadcrumb Pagination Pager Label Badge Alert Panel Snippet Modal Carousel Navbar Popover Accordion Jumbotron Can be used with any WordPress theme : if your t.........

Similar: 17%

Visual Text Editor

The Default WP Text Widget which is included in all WordPress installations allows you to display any custom plain/html text content in the widget areas of your website in front end, which is usually in the sidebar and footer areas. Replaces the default functionality of Text Widget editor with the .........

Similar: 16%


Features CodeMirror Active Line Highlighting Line Numbers Line Wrapping Eight Editor Themes with Syntax Highlighting Fullscreen Editing (ESC, F11) Text Search (CMD + F, CTRL + F) Individual Settings for Each Editor FancyBox for image viewing AJAX File Browser Allowed Extensions List Easy to use Se.........

Similar: 6%