
By : Weberge

Securing a website is the most challenging task facing by web developers. Since WordPress is one of the most leading content management system, the chances of attack is also high. There are lots of attackers concentrated on WordPress and its plugins, as a result the possibility of hacking is very high in WordPress sites.

Even though there are plenty of plugins available for protecting WordPress site, there are lots of attacking occurs each day. The main advantage getting for malware or attacker is they have full idea of structure of WordPress and plugins. Normal WordPress site is so open that some one can find out lots of details if they only know the URL of web site. See the online tools as example: http://wprecon.com/

Based on these concept we made a plugin 'WP_Hide' which will help you to hide the fact that you are using WordPress for website development. WP-Hide, change all the site related path and details from source so that no programs will get any hint that the site is developed using WordPress.
Developer:-We are weberge, a leading website development company in india. Visit us http://www.weberge.com/


Ce plugin vous permet de cacher la version de WordPress qui s'affiche dans le bas de l'interface d'administration. Pratique lorsque vous ne voulez pas que les auteurs voient sous quelle version vous vous trouvez....

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Remove WordPress Version

Remove the version from your WordPress website completely and Increase security and prevent hacks....

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WP_Head HTML Output Cleaner

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Hide Inactive Sites

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WordPress for My Clients

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Pojo Device Widget

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Redirect username

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AS login

Create your own custom login page use this Plugin. Customize your login page as you choice. Plugin Features !!!!! 1.Easy to use. 2.Plugin on/off. 3.Change Logo Link. 4.Change Logo Width. 5.Unlimited custom logo. 6.Unlimited color. 7.Change Login box width. 8.Change text color and many more....

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As Nice Scroll

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