WP Horoscope

WP Horoscope là một plugin rất hay, cho phép bạn lấy thông tin trong 1 ngày của các cung hoàng đạo cho wordpress. Hỗ trợ bạn hiển thị trong widget hoặc trong shortcut. Rất hiệu quả và tiện lợi cho các bạn thích cung hoàng đạo.

Plugin hỗ trợ hai vị trí hiển thị là trong sidebar và trong shortcode

WP-Horoscop Widget

THIS VERSION IS ONLY FOR ROMANIANS - NEXT VERSION WILL BE IN ENGLISH TOO WP-Horoscop Widget allow you to add a horoscope widget to your wordpress. RO : Folosind acest plugin puteti pune la dispozitia utilizatorilor un horoscop zilnic pentru toate zodiile europene. In versiunile viitoare veti avea p.........

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TheCircle: Daily Horoscope

The Daily Horoscope widget from TheCircle offers the day's latest tips, opportunities and risks. The astrologers from TheCircle calculate these daily horoscopes for you using their wealth of experience and knowledge. Choose your daily updated horoscope via your zodiac sign (Aries, Taurus, Gemini, C.........

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Daily Horoscopes Widget

This widget allows users to pick from 12 signs to see a daily horoscope inside widget spaces. Updated every day. Keeps users coming back to your site. Simple, clean, responsive and configurable design. Works equally well on desktop or mobile. Daily Horoscope Widget can either be used to bring in.........

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RP News Ticker

The plugin creates a shortcode to be used in a widget to display a nice horizontal newsticker which can be placed in a sidebar. Since 0.7: one can use a php tag or shortcode to insert it in the theme template, widgets or posts, all tuning moved to Settings Based upon liScroll.js by Gian Carlo Mingat.........

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This is the accurate Astrological forecast informer at once for all zodiac signs. Really - how Forecast. We're talking about the important events that cover all people. So far - only in Russian. Sorry. We publish a forecast and a detailed description of one next day. You can install this widget o.........

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Adds a sidebar widget that display from the astrological sky the sun sign, the moon sign and the moon phase. The plugin also display degrees for the sun sign, degrees for the moon sign and how old the moon is. It has options to display the signs and moon pictures large and small. In addition of Eng.........

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Woo superb slideshow transition gallery with random effect

Check official website for live demo http://www.gopiplus.com/work/2010/09/19/woo-superb-slideshow-transition-gallery-with-random-effect/ Live Demo More info Comments/Suggestion About author Dont just display images, showcase them in style using this Woo superb slideshow transition gallery with ran.........

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viversum: Mondphase

Der Mond hat einen enorm großen Einfluss auf die Lebewesen und die Natur auf der Erde. Mit dem Mondphasen-Widget sind Sie immer auf dem Laufenden, in welcher Phase der Mond sich gerade befindet. Befindet sich der Mond gerade in der zunehmenden Phase oder in der abnehmenden Phase? Wann ist der nächs.........

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viversum: Tageshoroskop

Das Tageshoroskop-Widget von viversum bietet Ihnen jeden Tag aktuelle Tipps, Chancen und Risiken. Die Astrologen von viversum berechnen diese Horoskope für Sie aktuell und täglich mit Hilfe ihrer großen Erfahrung. Wählen Sie für Ihr tagesaktuelles Horoskop einfach Ihr Sternzeichen (Widder, Stier, Z.........

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Horoscope widget

This is a daily horoscope widget. The widget show 5 stars forecast for every zodiac sign and deep daily horoscope. The content will be pulled from local xml file...

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