WP License Manager

WP License Manager is an easy to use plugin that will turn your WordPress site into a license manager that can be used for WordPress themes, plugins and other downloadable products.

Downloadable files are stored in Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) to keep them safe from people without a license.

Possible uses for WP License Manager:

  • Hosting your own premium plugins and themes and serving updates to them.
  • Hosting private plugins that you don't want to share in the open.
  • If you get more creative, the license manager plugin can be extended to be used for all kinds of digital goods; downloadable games, for example.

french creative commons license widget

Adds a sidebar widget to display creative commons license: Five languages: * French * English * Spanish * Italian * Catalan All creative commons licenses: * Attribution * Attribution-NoDerivs * Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs * Attribution-NonCommercial * Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike *.........

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