WP Link Pages Extended

By : unknown

Replaces the boring nextpage pagination navigation system with something more informative that includes the page number and page count and links to the First and Previous and Next and Last pages. It also provides a link to display all pages as a single page and back.

ePage Links

Alternative for wp_link_pages to be able to specifiy wrappers for each link. Simply use enhanced_link_pages( array( 'blink'=>'<li>', 'alink'=>'</li>', 'before' => '<ul>', 'after' => '</ul>', 'next_or_number' => .........

Similar: 60%

View All Pages

Adds a "All Pages" link to the wp_link_pages output that will show all pages for a post on singe page....

Similar: 50%

Page-Links Plus

While WordPress' <!--nextpage--> quicktag and wp_link_pages() function make integrating page links rather effortless, WordPress doesn't offer a native single-page option. Addressing this limitation, the basic Page-Links Plus plugin adds this option to WordPress page lists. The Single Pa.........

Similar: 39%

View All Post's Pages

Provides a "view all" (single page) option for posts, pages, and custom post types paged using WordPress' <!--nextpage--> Quicktag (multipage posts). Your theme must use wp_link_pages() to generate post page links, or you must use either the automatic or manual link capabilities provided in t.........

Similar: 29%

All Post Statuses for Add Link

Like this plugin? Consider leaving a quick review or writing about how you've used it on your site - send me a link to that write up if you do. This plugin is maintained on GitHub, so feel free to use the repository for reporting issues, submitting feature requests and submitting pull requests. Th.........

Similar: 24%

Subpages Extended

This widget displays subpages of a page easily. You can automatically display subpages list on empty pages. Though it's main power is the [subpages] shortcode. Using this shortcode on a page you can create subpage indexes. You can view live demo on my wordpress page. It automatically generates subpa.........

Similar: 15%

Admin Management Xtended

As a whole, the new WordPress Admin panel is organized fairly well, however when it comes to editing posts or pages quickly without having to open each post or page in a new tab or window, it isn't a very efficient process. For those who are using WordPress as a CMS, it's important to be able to man.........

Similar: 14%

Enhanced Custom Menu

Enhanced Custom Menu replaces the 'Automatically add new top-level pages' feature of wordpress 3.0 with an enhanced version automatically adding subpages to their respective place in your custom menu's hierarchy. This plug-in allows custom menus in wordpress 3.0 to work like wp_list_pages with the a.........

Similar: 13%

Get Login Plugin

This plugin adds 'Log In', 'Log Out', 'Register' and 'My Profile' respectively to navigation listed using "wp_list_pages" and when the items are clicked a user is redirected to the wp-login.php page or their profile respectively. When a user is not logged in they will see links for 'Log In' and 'Reg.........

Similar: 13%

Relative URL

Relative URL applies wp_make_link_relative function to links (posts, categories, pages and etc.) to convert them to relative URLs. Useful for developers when debugging local WordPress instance on a mobile device (iPad. iPhone, etc.). More information please visit my site. For example: http://loca.........

Similar: 10%