WP Live.php

By : mbence

This plugin was written to make WordPress theme and plugin developers' life easier. Inspired by the brilliant live.js script (written by Martin Kool), this plugin will auto refresh your browser if you change any files in your wp-content/themes or plugins directories. No need for Alt-Tab and manual refresh anymore.

If you activate the WP Live Php plugin, it adds a small javascript file to your blog. It will monitor your directories by calling wp-live.php every second. If any file changed (i.e. has a newer filemtime), the browser will be refreshed.

With this plugin, it is also very easy to check your work in many browsers simultaneously. Just enable Frontend Monitoring, load the site in all your browsers and the rest goes automatically.

Starting from v1.3 there is an option to enable admin bar integration, to conveniently enable or disable Live.php monitoring directly on your frontend or backend with just one click.

Since v1.5 with the content update feature, you can auto-update your browser with every post or page save. For this we create a file in the uploads base folder (wp-content/uploads/), and touch it with every save, which will trigger a refresh in the client browser. That location must be writable for this to work.

WARNING! You should never activate this plugin on a live server! It is meant for developer environment only! Use http://wordpress.org/plugins/reload/ instead, which is created for production environments.


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