WP Login Log

A simple WordPress plugin which logs login activity into a log file.


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Remember Me

Allows the Administrator and/or the User to control the placement of a check mark in the Remember Me checkbox on the standard WordPress login form. Without a check mark in the Remember Me checkbox, your users will have to login every time they close their browser. With Remember Me selected, they w.........

Similar: 34%

Gp user Login With EMail-ID

Allow user to login with their Email ID OR Username. Major features in Gp user Login With EMail-ID include: Setting option checkbox allow to Login with Email ID associated with the user account. ...

Similar: 34%

Google Apps Login

Google Apps Login allows existing WordPress user accounts to login to your website using Google to securely authenticate their account. This means that if they are already logged into Gmail for example, they can simply click their way through the WordPress login screen - no username or password is e.........

Similar: 25%

Orbisius Limit Logins

This plugin logs and blocks IP address of users who try to login with known bad usernames such as admin, adm etc. The plugin intentionally hooks very early (plugins_loaded hook) in order to determine if the user should be blocked or not because that way WordPress doesn't have to waste resources if t.........

Similar: 18%

WP Limit Login Attempts

Brute Force Attack aims at being the simplest kind of method to gain access to a site: it tries usernames and passwords, over and over again, until it gets in. This plugin limit rate of login attempts and block ip temporarily. It is detecting bots by captcha verification. Go to Settings > WP Lim.........

Similar: 7%

SuperAuth Passwordless Authentication

Are you looking for passwordless login? SuperAuth helps your user to login without username and password with patent pending view and verify 2 factor authentication. Start passwordless login in your websites or apps within 30 seconds. SuperAuth is focused on ease of integration, ease of use, and ex.........

Similar: 7%

Limit Attempts Booster

Limit Attempts Booster was designed to manage the access to users website and provide bullet proof security to your website. With Limit Attempts Booster, you can limit users attempts to log in to your website and consequently, block the user for a certain period of time. Apart from that, Limit Att.........

Similar: 6%

Htaccess by BestWebSoft

The plugin Htaccess allows to controll access to your website. Access can be controlled based on the client's hostname, IP address, or other characteristics of the client's request. It is very simple and has just two the directives like Allow and Deny. Htaccess by BestWebSoft Video instruction .........

Similar: 5%

As Nice Scroll

As nice scroll is a jquery plugin for WordPress site. This plugin will create a nice scrollbar for your site. After installing and Activating the plugin, go to WordPress Admin Dahsbord and then go to Appearance > As option Here you can customize default settings. So customize settings as you choi.........

Similar: 3%

As woocomerce with owl carousel

As woocommerce with owl carousel is a jquery plugin for WordPress site. This plugin will create a nice carousel for your site. After installing and Activating the plugin, go to WordPress Admin Dahsbord and then go to Appearance > As option Here you can create Shortcode and publish a carousel .........

Similar: 2%