WP Math

By : Mikoviny

This is just Beta version of this Plugin with some Bugs, but I need to report them (http://wpmath.g6.cz/).

I had to rewrite the core function of plugin. In these case UNITS are NOT working. In few days I fix these bugs.


  1. Couting with matrices (solving linear equation)
  2. Creating Graphs
  3. Math and Trigonometric functions like a^x, floor, round, sin, cos...

What this plugin can do:

  1. Display mathematical documents. Plugin is using PhpMathPublisher
  2. Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide.
  3. Count with matrix
  4. Display Graphs
  5. Show results.
  6. If you add "==" on the end of formula at first it inserted variables and than show result.
  7. Converting e-mail in posts and pages to *.png picture.
  8. Add form with custom variables for page visitors.
  9. Multiple inputs.
  10. Static counting
  11. Use multiple functions (Ceil, ceil, Floor, floor, Round, round, acos, acosh, asin, asinh, atan... Full list).
  12. Basic units NOT WORKING IN 0.4.0. !!!!

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