WP Offline Fallback

Normally, when a user tries to access your website without the internet, they will not be able to obtain any information about you.

What happens if your client is coming to your shop, the internet is lost suddenly. And what happens if they forgot your phone number. You lost them.

Do not let it happen, let's help them come to you even when there is no internet.

This plugin can help you give your clients the necessary contact information when they lose the internet.

By using the service worker to handle an offline situation. This plugin will save offline messages to the customer's device when they do not have internet access, and this message will be displayed.

Offline Box

Site offline, coming soon, development site, security. Easily activate maintenance mode for your website. The "Offline Box" plugin....

Similar: 23%

WIP Incoming Lite

WIP Incoming Lite allows you to manage a coming soon page for your WordPress site. Powered by https://www.themeinprogress.com Install WIP Incoming Lite to manage your coming soon page....

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Custom Login Redirect

Custom Login Redirect adds a drop down to the login form which lets you to redirect to custom locations after logging in. There are 16 default options already present in the drop down and you can add your own custom URls as well. Visit Custom Login Redirect Plugin Homepage for more information. By.........

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Advanced WordPress Reset

'Advanced WordPress reset' plugin will reset you WordPress Database back to its first original status in order to make a fresh installation without going through WordPress traditional installation. This plugin will help you saving time especially if you are a developer and you have to install WordPr.........

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FBtops WordPress Plugin allows you to create tops/rankings of posts based on number of facebook likes, shares or comments they receive. You can select specific categories (one, many or all) that will participate in the top and you can use pagination if you want. The top itself can be done with a sh.........

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Want to sell more? Use eRated to display your 5 star ratings from other platforms you’re using (like Amazon and Etsy) on your WordPress store! eRated is a free eCommerce app that allows you to import your existing ratings and reviews from other marketplaces you’re selling on (like Etsy, Amazon, .........

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Quotmarks Replacer

Quotmarks Replacer disables wptexturize function that keeps all quotation marks and suspension points in half-width form. This plugin also works fine with multisite enabled WordPress (aka. WordPress Mu). More information please visit my site. Quotmarks Replacer 通過禁用 wptexturize 函數,解決 Word.........

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Cotton Framework

This is a public beta. Cotton Framework comes with a complete XHTML / CSS Theme for designers to style using Child Themes. W3C Standards Compliant XHTML and CSS Mobile / Handheld device ready Print Friendly Cross Browser Compliant Google Web Site Verification Bing Web Site Verification Google Ana.........

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Power Code Editor

Helps you more effectively edit your themes or plugins when you only have access to a browser, by enabling syntax highlighting in WordPress' integrated source code editors. Supports PHP, HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Please provide any feedback at http://anetech.eu/power-code-editor/ Everything is don.........

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WP Cron Cleaner

"WP Cron Cleaner" is a useful plugin to view the list of all your scheduled tasks. Indeed, your site may contain some orphan scheduled tasks that should be cleaned. "WP Cron Cleaner" plugin will display all your tasks so you can identify those that should be cleaned. Moreover, you will be able to se.........

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