WP Outdated Browser

So, you're tired of people visiting your modern website with an outdated browser and not doing anything about it. Maybe they aren't "power" users, maybe it's your auntie running a last century browser trying to see awesome CSS3 animations and transforms. Let the user know that’s an outdated browser, and advise them on a better one.

With this solution you can check if the user’s browser can handle your website. If not, it will show a cool looking notice advising the user to update the browser. It\'ll be up to him/her to decide if he upgrades or not. Don't force the user!

This plugin is a version of Outdated Browser Projetct created by Bürocratik


A Collection of Pure CSS and JS Creations!About CSSDeck CSSDeck is a big collection of items built with pure CSS and HTML to help frontend coders realize the power and flexibility of CSS. Hopefully the creations will help them get better at the new features of CSS (and in general too) and they'll s.........

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SyntaxHighlighter Evolved: ABAP Brush

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RawR (Raw Revisited)

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Autoptimize admin bar fix

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Sexy Polling

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Creative Contact Form

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Contact Form Generator

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