
I tried Infinite Scroll and I liked so much! I think is a really good idea, but has some "problems".

The user loses the perception of "In witch page am I" and also the people that is not using JavaScript can't browse your site properly. Also bots couldn't follow your entire site.



We need a pagination that is updating meanwhile I'm scrolling down/up.

For pagination in WordPress we have the great work of Lester on WP-PageNavi, what I did is modify it to have some HTML tags with ID. Then I updated the Infinite Scroll to do an update on that field every time the action is performed. When that action is done I keep the position of the Y in the screen in an Array to use it later when you go up/down. To control the scroll I wrote a simple JavaScript that control each movement on the scroll from you page an compares it with the Array of the Y, if there's a match we update WP-PageNavi.

As I said before I included jsScroll for later making easier to the user going to the top or bottom :D


Infinite scroll has been called autopagerize, unpaginate, endless pages. But essentially it is pre-fetching content from a subsequent page and adding it directly to the user’s current page. When a user scrolls towards the bottom of the page, the next page of posts is automatically retrieved and app.........

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