
By : cgfeel

插件支持平台: http://levi.cg.am/archives/4603


注:本人一直秉承着PHP新特性、新语法,这样可能会造成插件在一些老的PHP环境中执行错误;比如PHP 5.3,如果您执行出现错误,请您将错误提示反馈给我,我会做出调整。



  • google字体:使用360开源CDN替换google CDN,对所有主题、插件、页面均可通用匹配、替换;详细见:http://levi.cg.am/archives/4609
  • gravater头像:替换gravater头像URL为https,解决在中国地区无法查看头像图片的问题;


  • 附件修复:修正wordpress文章附件统计不正确,详细见:http://levi.cg.am/wiki/wordpress-第三方补丁包/文章附件统计修复
  • 大文件上传:使用新的HTML5技术切割大文件,让wordpress能够接受上传GB级的文件,详细见:http://levi.cg.am/archives/4603

WP Uploads Stats

WP Uploads Stats provides you with detailed statistics about your WordPress media uploads and attachments. To reach the page that reveals all uploads and media statistics, go to Media -> Uploads Stats in the administration. This page shows various file, media and uploads statistics data and gra.........

Similar: 29%

Qiniu Uploader

You can upload your image to qiniu cloud storage some code refer to the following plugin http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/dbank-uploader/ Please report bug in https://github.com/caichicong/qiniu-uploader. Thank you. 安装这个插件之后,可以在文章编辑界面点击七牛的图标,上传文件到七牛云储存 部.........

Similar: 29%

DBank Uploader

If you are using a VPS to host your blog, maybe suffer the traffic limit. You can upload attachments to cloud storage engine such as Amazon S3, dropbox, and write the URL into the blog manually. For a short way, you only need to upload files to dbank.com and select it by the plugin, than plugin .........

Similar: 29%

Remote Upload

Upload files from url to your website. You can upload zip, rar, flv, mp3, mp4, png, gif, jpeg, and pdf files. Just enter file urls in input box, and it will automatically download the files to your website. Go to Settings > Remote Upload....

Similar: 25%

Attachment Extender

Give you the ability to upload files that you have in your Media Library. ...

Similar: 25%

Media Library Gallery

Media Library Gallery automatically creates a gallery with every images posts have in attachment. Support thickbox. To include the gallery in a page, simply write in the post: [media-library-gallery]. You can also customize: see the documentation for more information! You always tried to easily mak.........

Similar: 20%

LH Copy Media File

This plugin allows you to create duplicate images in the media library, rather than having to create a new copy of the image and upload it to WordPress again. It works by copying the post and its metadata into a totally new file in the media manager. Any changes you make to the new copy of the atta.........

Similar: 20%

xili re/un-attach media

This plugin named - xili re/un-attach media - adds Unattach, Reattach new actions in Media Library Table list to manage attachments in the File column just after View action. In single page to edit Media, a metabox about linked post and the new actions. This plugin is only active in admin (dashboard.........

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Creative Commons Media Tagger

This plugin provides the ability to tag media in the media library as having a Creative Commons (CC) license. The license shows up on the attachment page and is optimized for search engines (SEO) using RDFa metadata. It optionally extends the search form to allow searches for CC-tagged media. It ca.........

Similar: 19%

ShortPixel Image Optimizer

ShortPixel makes your website load faster by reducing the size of your images and helps you rank better in Google search. With both lossy and lossless image compression available for all common image types (PNG, JPG, GIF), plus PDF files. The plugin is free to use for 100 images/month. How does it .........

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